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Solutions for linear functional systems

The LFS package is for solving Linear Functional (differential, difference and q-difference) Systems of equations.

The procedure RationalSolution is an implementation in Maple 2020 of two algorithms to construct a basis of rational-function solutions for homogeneous systems with rational-function coefficients and a particular solution for inhomogeneous systems with rational-function right-hand sides. See for detail in the slides of the talk S. Abramov, D.Khmelnov, A.Ryabenko «Searching for rational solutions of linear ordinary difference and differential systems: schemes equipped with checkpoints» in The conference "Программирование и вычислительная математика" памяти Н. П. Трифонова (1925–2020). See also the abstract of this talk in pages 12-13 of Программирование и вычислительная математика. тезисы докладов конференции памяти Н. П. Трифонова / под ред. С. А. Абрамова, А. В. Столярова. – Москва : МАКС Пресс, 2020.

The procedure HypergeometricSolution is an implementation in Maple 2020 of an algorithm to construct a particular hypergeometric solutions for inhomogeneous systems with rational-function coefficients and hypergeometric right-hand sides. See for detail in Ryabenko A.A. Particular Solutions of Linear Differential and (q-)Difference Systems with Hypergeometric Right-hand Sides // Programming and Computer Software. 2019. Vol. 45. No 5. P. 298-302

The procedure LaurentSolution is a draft implementation in Maple2023 of an algorithm to construct Laurent series solutions for homogeneous differential systems with polynomial or power series coefficients (implemented by A.A.Ryabenko, D.E.Khmelnov).

Source – the archive with two files: lfs.ind and lfs.lib are a Maple library.

Put these files to some directory, for example to ”/usr/userlib”.

Assign libname := ”/usr/userlib”, libname: in the Maple session.

A system can be represented in several forms

The matrix form of a full-rank system:

An(x) ξ^n(y(x)) + … + A1(x) ξ(y(x)) + A0(x) y(x) = b(x),


  • Ai(x) are matrices whose entries are rational functions or power series of x;
  • b(x) is a column vector of finite sums of hypergeometric terms of x;
  • y(x) is a column vector of unknown functions;
  • ξ is a pseudo-linear map.

The normal form of a first order system:

ξ(y(x)) = A(x) y(x) + b(x),


  • A(x) is a matrix whose entries are rational functions in x.

For the differential case: ξ(y(x)) = y'(x).

For the difference case: ξ(y(x)) = y(x+1).

For the q-difference case: ξ(y(x)) = y(q x), where q is a name or an integer large then 1.

The procedures LaurentSolution and InducedRecurrence (a draft version)

Two algorithms to construct rational solutions

The procedures HypergeometricSolution for inhomogeneous systems - the Maple session file with hypergeometric examples.

lfs_examples.pdf - the pdf copy of that Maple session.

lfs.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/17 16:04 by anna
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