HORAN - 3-D horizon applied analysis procedures

In this section I'll describe 3-dimensional horizon applied analysis procedures.

This procedures can be used if user have 3-D project in GERMES-3 (project containing 3-D seismic information ("cubes"). It may be cubes of any dynamic seismic parameter - for example cube of inst. velocities, faze cube, frequencies cube, full gradient absolute values cube, coherency cube and so on.

Creating 3-D parameter version

Starting SEIS - 3D in GERMES-3 main menu user gets 3-D project menu, chooses project he need and in 3-D analysis menu shown below clicks on "Param transform" button.

<= 3-D analysis menu

GERMES-3 standard dialog appears in which user inputs all calculating parameters:

When calculating parameters are choosed user see standard HORAN instruments for creating parameter version for 3-D project on his desktop. All the interface elements are the same as in 2-D procedures in option HORAN-auto .par calculation/Create entry. Now, a list which is displayed in "Create version" dialog is as a list of seismic cube sections which user has in his 3-D project :

Griding 3-D parameter version

Griding 3-D parameter version procedure is all the same as similar procedure in 2-D case. Starting MAPPING block in GERMES-3 main menu user chooses 3-D area in 2-D/3-D menu shown below :

<= 2-D/3-D project menu

Then user chooses project he need in a project list and gets the list of horizons which were traced in the current project :

<= horizon list

Clicking "Ok" when required horizon was selected user activates mapping menu -

<= mapping menu

where clicking on button "GRIDING" and choosing "PARAM" in a griding menu -

<= griding menu

user gets standard HORAN instruments for work with calculated parameter versions (see 2-D procedures in option HORAN-auto .par calculation/Grid version). As it is in 2-D procedures - by "Grid" button pressing, highlighted version can be send to griding module which gives standard map file in SCS-5 format. Map file can be visualised in GERMES-3 mapping section. See visualisation results for more information.

All obtained maps could be exported into COSCAD grids for futher, more complicated processing. See COSCAD processing.

All HORAN 3-D and 2-D calculation procedures can be started from universal "PCRT Dialog".