HORAN - Creating version entry option

Create version entry dialog appears :

Names which are displayed in the list - are the names of all seismic sections existing in your 2-D project for which horizon, selected and loaded in HORAN - Start option ("Load horizon" option) was traced. User marks all sections he need, inputting version name ("new_version" - for example) and clicking on button "Write" runs the parameter calculating procedure. New parameter version will be wrote into "*.par" file for current horizon. This version and any other version can be send to griding module using HORAN - Grid version option.

HORAN - Griding version option

Grid version dialog appears :

Names which are displayed in the list - are the names of calculated parameter versions. User can delete highlighted version pressing "Delete" button, view contents of the highlighted version. When pressing "View" buttons - view version contents dialog appeared :

(sorry, bad quality picture, I had to resize it because of its big length!)

The example of up shown list line is :

Line:L01 parameter:MAXIMUM Xsize:5 YSize:1 TSize:5 TShift:0 version:whole_prj

That's all attributes that identificates calculated parameter :








By "Grid" button pressing highlighted version can be send to griding module which gives standard map file in SCS-5 format. Map file can be visualised in GERMES-3 mapping section. See visualisation results for more information.