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Alexander M. Tarko

Professor of Mathematical Cybernetics


Message to A.M. Tarko
Personal Data
Academic Degrees
Professional Experience
Other Activities
Selected International Conferences

A System of Models of the Global Biosphere Cycles

Le Chatellier Principle in Global Ecology

Modeling the Global Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle in Atmosphere - Ocean System

Modeling the Impact of Air Contamination on Forest Ecosystems in Region


Participants of A.M. Tarko Group

Synthetic Indices of Social and Natural Development of V.S. Golubev

Form to Download Data of CO2 Budget of the Countries

Professor Alexander Tarko
Dr.Sc., Ph.D.


Russian Academy of Natural Sciences 
International Informatization Academy

Senior Research Fellow
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Department of Continuum Mechanics


40, Vavilov Street 
Computing Centre RAS
Moscow 119991 

Web Site:


alexander.tarko  country: Russia


Personal data

Birth: November 8, 1944, Saratov.
Antonina, son married, two granddaughters
Sport: wrestling, swimming, shooting, basketball.


Academic Degrees

  • 1996 Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS)
  • 1996 Professor of Mathematical Cybernetics, Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CCRAS) 
  • 1995 Member of the International Informatization Academy 
  • 1992 Dr. Sc., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Agency of Bioinformatics and Human's Ecology, Moscow 
  • 1977 Ph.D., Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Investigation of Operations and System Analysis), Computing Centre of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow 
  • 1969 M. Sc., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) 



Professional Experience 

1980-Present - Leading Research Fellow/Research Scientist at the Computing Centre, USSR/Russian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Alexander Tarko directs a Research Group. He is an expert in the modeling and analysis of Global and Regional Biosphere and Climate Processes. Introduced the methodology for mathematical modeling of environmental processes. Developed several sets of models and software for prediction changes of global and regional processes under human impact. Estimated ecological and climatic effects of industrial activity and land use. He developed a mathematical approach to investigate the biosphere stability based on the Le Chatellier principle: how does biosphere weaken the results of anthropogenic actions. He was one of the first to calculate the ecological consequences of "Nuclear Winter". A. Tarko developed spatially distributed System of Global Carbon Dioxide Cycle Models (SGCDCM) containing models of the "Atmosphere - Terrestrial Plants - Soil" and "Atmosphere - Ocean" systems. Spatial resolution of these models is 4x5 or 0.5x0.5o. He developed the forecasts of carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, changes of plants biomass, productivity and humus for different ecosystems, regions and countries under impact of such factors of global warming as fossil fuels burning, deforestation and soil erosion. He calculated carbon dioxide budget for countries and regions. A. Tarko found that effect of 10-year delay initiating the Kyoto Protocol to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change would be small. He developed a system of spatial models of atmospheric contamination impact on forest ecosystems in region

Now research of A.M. Tarko focuses on:
1. Developing high resolution spatially distributed models of global carbon and nitrogen cycles in "Atmosphere - Terrestrial Ecosystems - Ocean" System.
2. Simulating the spatial regional atmospheric pollution impact on forest ecosystems.
3. Estimating the boundaries of plants communities the shifting, such as "Taiga - Tundra" and "Forest - Steppe" under the global warming.
4. Performing integrative assessment of biosphere and climate change during pre- and post-industrial periods.
5. Investigating the principles of biosphere and society self-regulation, such the N.N. Moiseev's concept on Coevolution of Man and Biosphere, the
Le Chatellier principle, and the Sustainable Biosphere Development principle.
6. Understanding the evolution of human civilization under the degradation of biosphere resources, and the renewal and role of scientific and technical progress in its dynamics.

A. Tarko teaches courses in Mathematical Ecology etc. at MIPT. He supervised 13 M.S. and 6 Ph.D. students, and now he works with 2 Ph.D. and 2 M.S. students at MIPT and at CCRAS.
His research is reported in more than 120 publications.

  • 1977-1980 - Research Scientist, Institute for Medical and Biological Problems, Developed mathematical models of physiological processes in man for studies on Space Biology. Made forecasts of global carbon content increase in the atmosphere, land biota and ocean as a result of industrial carbon dioxide releases to atmosphere. 
  • 1974-1977 - Post graduate studies at the Institute for Medical and Biological Problems. Developed mathematical models of the global biogeochemical cycles. Presented a thesis "Mathematical models of the Global Organic Matter Cycles in Biosphere". 
  • 1969-1974 Research Scientist at the Institute for Medical and Biological Problems. Implemented mathematical methods for solving problems of Air and Space Medicine and Space Biology. 



Other Activities

  • In 2000 A.M. Tarko with his colleagues built Internet site "Mankind and the Biosphere" for mathematical ecologists, climatologists and nature investigators. A virtual museum of academician N.N. Moiseev is created at the site. 
  • 1998- 2000 - Member, Scientific and Technical Council, State Committee of Environment protection of Russia
  • 1994-1999 - Member, the Council for Defending Doctor of Science and Ph.D. Theses in Physics and Mathematics (with emphasis on Mathematical Ecology, Ecology, and Rational Land Use) at MIPT. 
  • 1995-1997 - Principal Investigator, the INTAS Project "New Version of the Moscow Global Biosphere Model". 
  • 1993-1995 - Principal Investigator, grant "Mathematical modeling of the atmospheric pollution impacts on forest ecosystems" in the Federal Program "Ecological Security of Russia", Ministry of Environment and Nature Resources Protection of Russia. 
  • 1993-1995 - Professor, the International University (Moscow). Taught courses on System Dynamics, Simulating Modeling, Mathematical Ecology, Environmental problems of urban territories, Rational Land Use. 
  • 1991-Present - Professor at MIPT. Teaches course on Mathematical Ecology, System Analysis, Simulating Modeling, and Problems of Environment. 
  • 1992-1995 - Expert, Federal Program "Ecological Security of Russia", Ministry of Environment and Nature Resources Protection of Russia
  • 1992-1993 - Principal Investigator, grant "Biogeochemical cycles of Russia" in the Program "Ecology of Russia" of Ministry of Environmental Protection. Developed models and software, made forecasts of environmental and agricultural consequences of economic activity in administrative regions of Russia
  • 1990-1992 - Principal Investigator of several grants in the Program of the Soviet State Committee for Science "Developing the Information Technologies for Integrated Ecological and Economical Expertise of Large Scale Social and Economic Projects". Developed mathematical models, databases and software for making expertise. 
  • 1991-Present - Scientific Secretary of Soviet /Russian National Committee for SCOPE (Scientific Committee on the Problems of the Environment). Integrated Soviet and Russian science into the world environmental science (6 International Projects). 
  • 1988-1991 - Scientific Secretary of the cluster "Methodology of System Analysis and Modeling the Biosphere Processes", Soviet Academy of Sciences, "Fundamental Program of Biosphere and Ecological Research". Developed Scientific Program. Coordinated the activity of about 75 grants given to scientific groups, 60 Institutes. 
  • 1981-1991 - Scientific Secretary of the mathematical section at the Scientific Council of the Soviet Academy of Sciences "Anthropogenic Dynamics of Biological Systems and Problems of Ecology". Coordinated scientific activities in fundamental studies of about 35 Academic and State Institutes. 



Selected International Conferences

  • 1998 3d International Symposium "Problems of Ecoinformatics", RANS, Moscow A.S. Popov Society, Moscow 
  • 1996 3d International workshop "New Computer Technologies in Control Systems, Pereslavl-Zalessky 
  • 1995 International Conference "The Threat of Technologies and Life", Unity Science Institute, Washington, DC
  • 1995 Conference of International Society for Ecological Economics, Russian Chapter "Socio-Ecological-Economic Systems: from Information and Simulation to Practical solution", Pereslavl-Zalessky 
  • 1991 Symposium on Geophysical Aspects of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program "Global Change", Prague, Czechoslovakia 
  • 1990 International Conference of Institut de la Vie "Les Dilemmes du rechauffement de la terre", Deauville, France 
  • 1989 First Eurochernobyl International Seminar, Eurochernobyl Project, Soviet Peace Committee, Kiev 
  • 1988 Workshop of SCOPE Project "Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War", Moscow 
  • 1987 31st Annual Meeting of International Society for General Systems Research, Budapest, Hungary 
  • 1985 Annual Meeting of the GDR Physical Society, Leipzig, GDR 
  • 1984 Joint Finnish-Soviet Symposium on the Models of Living Systems, Helsinki, Finland 
  • 1983 International Symposium of Institut de la Vie on the Coevolution of Man and Biosphere, Helsinki, Finland 

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