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Faina S. Berezovskaya
Alden Bryant
Vladimir S. Golubev
Muhammad I. Gulamov
Georgy P. Karev
Guennady A. Ougolnitsky
Yakov Pachepsky
Rohatullo I. Sadulloev
Vladimir V. Shabanov
Alexander M. Tarko
Fred Bernard Wood, Sr.
Carlos Aliaga Uria

Faina S. Berezovskaya
Doctor of Sciences 

Dr. Sci.(Mathematics in Ecology), 1997, Moscow Physics and Technology Institute (MIPT).  Thesis title: "Bifurcations in ecosystem models". 

Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Forest Ecosystems, The Center of Forest Ecology and Productivity, Rus Ac. Sci. 

Member of American Mathematical Society (AMS): 1993 - current 
Reviewer of "Mathematical Review" (Math. Biology): 1992 - current 
Member-organizer of Society "Women-mathematicians of Russia" 1993- current 

Scientific area: Using methods of qualitative and bifurcation theory for analyzing mathematical models in Ecology and constructing new ones. Problems of qualitative theory of and theory of bifurcations in ODE. Applications of "normal form" approach for analysis of existence and description of   bifurcations of "traveling waves" solutions of "reaction-diffusion -cross-diffusion" equations (together with G. Karev). 
Developing the Newton diagram associated methods for analysis of complex singular points of ODE system on a plane.

Work addresses: 
Center of Forest Ecology and Productivity of Russian Academy of Sciences 
 Novocheremushkinskaya str.69, Moscow 117418, Russia. 

Web page:


  1. Berezovskaya F.S., Karev G.P. (2000). Manual «Differential Equations and Mathematical models»,  Moscow, MIREA, 140 pp.
  2. Antonovsky M.Ya., Berezovskaya F.S., Karev G.P., Shvidenko A.Z., Shugart H.H. 1991.
  3.  Ecophysiological models of forest stand dynamics. WP-91-36.IIASA, Laxemburg, Austria. 97 p.
  4. Berezovskaya F.S., Karev G.P. (1999) Bifurcations of traveling waves in population models with taxis. Physics-Uspekhi, v.169 ,  trans. from Uspekhi fizicheskikh nayk, v.169, 9, 1999, 1011-1024.
  5. Berezovskaya F.S., Karev G.P.(1999).  Traveling waves in polynomial population models. Doklady Mathematics, v.60, 2,pp.295-299.
  6. Berezovskaya F.S., Isaev A.S., Karev G.P. Khlebopros R.G. (1999). Role of taxis in forest insect dynamics. Doklady Biological Sci. v.365, 148-151.
  7. Bazykin A.D., Berezovskaya F.S., Isaev A.S., Khlebopros R.G. (1997). Dynamics of forest insect density: bifurcation approach. J.Theor. Biol, 186, 267-278.

Bryant Alden, Acad.
President of the Earth Regeneration Society, Inc.

?ountry: USA

Specialization: Climate stabilization. He possibly is the first who suggested to reduce industrial CO2 releases. 

Membership: Academician International Informatizational Academy.

Web page:

Address: 1442A Walnut Street #57, Berkeley, California 94709, U.S.A.
Phone: 510-849-4155 
Fax:   510-849-0183


  1. Alden Bryant. (1984). Analysis and Planning for CO2 Reduction and Climate Stabilization, November 6, 1984, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual North American Conference of the International Association of Energy Economists, conference entitled "The Energy Industries in Transition: 1985 - 2000."  Revised November 29, 12 pp. (ERS 457)
  2. Julianne Malveaux and Alden Bryant. (1986). A Plan for Social Action in Reduction of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Climate Stabilization, — includes a 20 million job full employment schedule by sector for soil, forest and energy work.  Proceedings, International Society for General Systems Research.  Annual meeting, Philadelphia. May 27, 15 pp.  (ERS 487A)
  3. Alden Bryant, Julianne Malveaux, Douglas Fryday. (1987).  Economics of Climate Stabilization: Changing Resource Use and Shifts Between Private and Public Sector Economics.  Symposium on "Climate Change and Evolution of the Biosphere," International Society for General Systems Research, Budapest, Hungary.  June 1-5, 8 pp. 
  4. Alden Bryant. (1988). The Global Climate Emergency, Possibilities for Stabilization and Proposals for Immediate Action. J.D. Bernal Scientific Conference on Security and Disarmament, in preparation for the Third Special Session on Disarmament of the United Nations.  Sponsored by the World Federation of Scientific Workers; U.S. Federation of Scientists and Scholars; and New York SANE Peace Council.  Vista Hotel, World Trade Center, Manhatten, New York.  May 27-31, 13 pp.  (ERS 681)
  5. Alden Bryant. (1988). Human rights, environment and climate stabilization. Conference: Earth Regeneration and the Environment.  United Nations Building, New York, Dag Hanrnarskjold Auditorium.  December 9, 7 pp.
  6. Alden Bryant. (1989). Earh Regeneration and the Environment. Conference Human Rights and the Future, University of California, Berkeley, August 7-17, 8 pp. 
  7. Alden Bryant.(1990). The Role of the CO2 Budget in Climate Stabilization. Proceedings, International Society for the System Sciences Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, July 9, 7 pp.
  8. Alden Brayant. (1998). Human Society at the Climate Crossroads.
  9. Alden Brayant. (1999). Climate Stabilization: Awareness, Direction and Progress.
  10. Alden Brayant. (2000). The Hague - From where to where. The "Hague" has come. It has gone. It will rise again like the sphinx.12-1-2000. 
  11. Alden brayant. (2000). Here is to real automobiles! That don't use fossil fuel   It is time to open up the car business, open up to the future! 12-7-00.

Vladimir S. Golubev 
Doctor of Sciences(Geology  and Mineralogy) 

Senior Research Fellow 
of the Institute of Lytosphere of the Russian Academy of Sciences

?ountry: Russia

    Academician:  International Informatizational Academy
     Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

    Address: 109180, Russia, Moscow, 
    Staromonetny per., 22 
    Web page:
    (095) 953-5588 
    (095) 953-5590


  • Golubev V.S. and Garibyants A.A. Heterogeneous processes of geochemical  migration.Consultants bureau. New York, London. 1971. 150 p.

  • Muhammad I. Gulamov, Dr. Sc.

    Associate Professor of the Bukhara State University,
    Department of Applied Mathematics, Uzbekistan

    Country: Uzbekistan

    Graduated in 1976 from Tashkent Politechnical Institute, Department of Control Systems

    M.I. Gulamov  is engaged in application of the mathematical theory in the interaction of the ecological factors for solving problems of the fundamental and applied ecology.

    • Theoretical investigation of action of the factors of an environment on survival of population in view of effect of quantity of the factors participating in a complex;
    • Development of methods, algorithms and software for the decision of automation of scientific researches in the field of ecology and protection of an environment.


    1. Gulamov M.I. About one simulating of a type the host - parasite. // News of the USSR Ac. Sc., Series biological, 1982, 6, p. 836. (in Russian).
    2. Gulamov M.I., Muchitdinov S.N., Pasekov V.P. Some questions of forecasting of dynamics of quantity of insects with the help of simulating modeling. // A Journal of General Biology of the Russian Ac. Sc., 1987, 48, 6, p. 839. (in Russian).
    3. Gulamov M.I. About one task of theoretical ecology. // Uzbek Journal "Problems of Informatics and Enegetics", 1996, 4, p. 45-47. (in Russian).
    4. Gulamov M.I. The mathematical description of interaction of ecological factors. // Uzbek Journal "Problems of Informatics and Enegetics", 1997, 2. (in Russian).
    5. Gulamov M.I., Hoshimov Sh. H. To the theory of symmetry of factors of survival. // Transaction of Ac. Sc. of Uzbekistan, 1997, 3. (in Russian).
    6. Gulamov M.I., Logofet D.O. Towards the Interaction of Environmental Factors. Biology Bulletin, 1997, 24, 1, pp. 54-58.
    7. Gulamov M.I., Turaev A.S. About calculation methods of interaction of the ecological factors. // Materials of scientific conference. May 28-30, 1997, Navoi, Uzbekistan. (in Russian).
    8. Gulamov M. I. Mathematics modelashtirish asoslari. Ukuv kullanma universitetlarning fiz. mat fakul'tetining talabalri uchun mulzhallangan of mathematics modellashtirish fanidan . 1998 jil. "Ukituvchi" nashrieti. (in Uzbek)

    Georgy P. Karev
    Doctor of Sciences 

    Dr. in Sci. (Mathematical Biophysics), 1994, The Institute of Biophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Krasnoyarsk. 
    Thesis title: "Structural Models and Dynamics of Tree Populations". 

    Head of Group of Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Forest Ecosystems, The Center of Forest Ecology and Productivity of Russian Academy Sciences 

    Permanen address:
    Center of Forest Ecology and Productivity of Russian Academy Sciences
    Novocheremushkinskaya str. 69, Moscow 117418, Russia. 

    Tel: (7-095) 3326990 
    Fax (7-095) 3322917 

    Web page:



    1. Chertov O.G., A.S. Komarov and G.P. Karev, 1999. Modern approaches in forest ecosystem modeling. Brill, Leiden-Boston-Koln. 116 pp.
    2. Berezovskaya F.S., Karev G.P., 2000. Manual “Differential Equations and Mathematical models”, Moscow, MIREA, 140 pp.


    1. Antonovsky M.Ya., Berezovskaya F.S., Karev G.P., Shvidenko A.Z., Shugart H.H., 1991. Ecophysiological models of forest stand dynamics. WP-91-36. IIASA, Laxemburg, Austria. 97 p.
    2. Berezovskaya, F.S., Karev, G.P., Shvidenko, A.Z., 1991. Modeling Stands Dynamics: Ecological-Physiological Approach. Research and Information Center on Forest Resources, Moscow. 84 p. (in Russian).
    Peer reviewed papers:
    1. Karev G.P.,1996. Structural models of the dynamics of biological communities. In: Doklady Mathematica, Vol 54, No.2, p.749-751.
    2. Karev G.P., Skomorovsky Ju.I.,1997. Mathematical models of tree stands self-thinning. In: Lesovedenie, No.4, p.14-20.(in Russian).
    3. Berezovskaya F., Karev G., Kisliuk, O., Khlebopros, R., Tselniker, Yu. 1997. Fractal approach to computer-analytical modeling of tree crown. In: TREES, V.11, No 6, pp.323-327.
    4. Karev G.P., 1997. On the ergodic hypothesis in biocenology. Doklady Biological Sciences, v.353,pp.177-179.
    5. Karev G.P., 1999. Gap-paradigm and the structure models of forest ecosystems. In: Syberian Ecological Journal (in Russian).
    6. Berezovskaya F.S., Isaev A.S., Karev G.P. Khlebopros R.G.,1999. The role of taxis in forest insect dynamics. // Doclady Biological Sci. v.365, 1999, 148-151.
    7. Berezovskaya F., Karev G., 1999 Bifurcations of traveling waves in population models with taxis. Physics-Uspekhi, v.169 , in trans. from Uspekhi fizicheskikh nayk, v.169, 9, 1999, 1011-1024.
    8. Berezovskaya F.S., Karev G.P.,1999. Travelling waves in polynomial population models. Doklady Mathematics, v.60, No.2,pp.295-299.
    9. Karev G.P.,1999. The ergodic properties of the stable states of forest ecosystems. In: Problems of Ecological Monitoring and Ecosystems Modeling. Hydrometeoizdat, S.-Peterburg (in Russian).
    10. Berezovskaya F.S., Karev G.P., Khlebopros R.G.,1999. Models of insect-phytofagan populations. Travelling waves and stability. Ibid

    Victor Korobitsin
    Post graduate student of Omsk State University

    ?ountry: Russia

    Sphere of investigatin: Mathematical Modeling of the Biosphere, Ethnosphere and Sociosphere. Numerical Methods to solve ODE and PDE.

    Organization:  Omsk State University

    Web page
    Phone      (3812)644238
    Fax        (3812)222617
    Address Chair of Mathematical Modeling, Omsk State University, 55A, Mira pr, Omsk 644077, Russia, 


    1. Social Systems. Formalization and Computer Simulation. - Omsk: Omsk State University, 2000. In coauthoring with Guts A.K., Laptev A.A., Pautova L.A., Frolova J.V.)
    2. Mathematical Models of Social Systems. - Omsk: Omsk State University, 2000. In coauthoring Guts A.K., Laptev A.A., Pautova L.A., Frolova J.V.)

    Rohatullo I. Sadulloev, Dr. 
    Ph. D., 1985, Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences 

    Chair of applied mathematics, 
    Department of mechanics and mathematics, 
    State National University of Tajikistan 

    Country: Tajikistan 

    Vitaly V. Shabanov, Dr.Sc., Prof.
    Professor of Moscow University of Nature Land Using

    Member of Academy of Water Managing. 

    ?ountry: Russia

    Scientific sphere: Estimation of effectivity of anthropogenic projects. Modelling of agroecosystems, rational land using, ecology, geography.

    Phone:      095 906 10 21
    Fax:    095 976 42 48



    • Shabanov V.V. (1972). Bioclimatic estimating of improvement of the soils. Gidrometeoizdat Publ. 170 p. (in Russian).
    • Shabanov V.V. (1981). Water supply of  wheat and its calculation. Gidrometeoizdat Publ. 170 p. (in Russian).

    Total amount of publication is  152..

    Guennady A. Ougolnitsky, Dr., Prof.

    Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of Rostov State University, Faculty of Mecanics and Applied Mathematics, Rostov State University

    Theme: Hierarchical Control of the Sustainable Development (Analytical and Simulation Models). Applications to the Water, Forest and Recreational Resource Use on the Regional Level

    Country: Russia

    Membership: International Academy of Ecology and Life Security

    Address: Zorge St., Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don 344090

    Phone: (8632)242422



    • Ougolnitsky G.A. An Algorithm of the Hierarchical Control of the Dynamic System // Preprints of the 11th IFAC International Workshop "Control Applications of Optimization". V.2. SPb., 2000. P.155-157.

    Alexander M. Tarko 
    Professor of Mathematical Cybernetics 
    Doctor of Sciences 

    Senior Research Fellow
    of the Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    ?ountry: Russia

    Scientific area: Mathematical modeling of the global and regional biosphere processes.

      Academician: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
      International Informatizational Academy


    1. Moiseev N.N., Aleksandrov V.V., and Tarko A.M. (1985). Man and Biosphere. System Analysis Experience and Model Experiments. Moscow, Nauka, 272 pp. (in Russian).
    2. Tarko A.M. (1994). A Model of the Global Carbon Cycle. Nature (Priroda), 7, 27-32. (in Russian).
    3. Tarko A.M. (1995). Stability of Biospheric Processes and the Le Chatelier principle. Transactions (Doklady) of the Academy of Sciences", 343:3, 593-595. (in Russian).
    4. Nefedova E.I., Tarko A.M. (1995). A Zonal Model of the Global Carbon Dioxide Cycle in the System Atmosphere - Ocean. Oceanology, 35:1, 11-15 (in Russian).
    5. Tarko A.M., Bykadorov A.V., and Kryuchkov V.V. (1995). Modeling the Atmospheric Contamination Impact on Forest Ecosystems in a Region. Transactions (Doklady) of the Academy of Sciences, 341:4, 571-573 (in Russian).
    6. Nefedova E.I. Pervanyuk V.S., and Tarko A.M.  (1998). A Spatially Distributed Model of Global Carbon Cycle in System Atmosphere - Ocean System. Moscow, Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 25 pp. (in Russian).
    7. Begelman G.Z., Tarko A.M. (1999). Model of the Global Biosphere Carbon Cycle with High Spatial Resolution 0.5x0.5 deg. Transactions on Applied Mathematics, Computing Centre of the Russian Ac. Sc. Moscow, 26 pp. (in Russian).
    8. Tarko A.M., Kuznetsova M.V. Novokhatskij V.N. (1999). Mathematical Modeling of the Social Dynamics. In: Socio-historical Process: Myths and Reality. Moscow, Published by Papirus Pro, 63-66. (in Russian).
    9. Parkhomenko V.P., Tarko A.M. (2000) The "Nuclear Winter". - Ecology and Life, 3, 44-47. (in Russian).

    Yakov Pachepsky, Dr., Prof.

    Research Physical Scientist of USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory.

    Theme: Soil hydrology, Agriculture models, Global models, Scale effects of soil properties and parameters.

    Country: USA

    Soil Science Society of America,
    European Society of Soil Conservation,
    International Soil Science Society,
    American Geophysical Union,
    International Society of Ecological Modeling
    Editorial Boards of Geoderma, Catena,
    Ecological Modeling,
    Land Degradation and Rehabilitation,
    International Agrophysics

    Phone: 301-504-7468
    Fax: 301-504-8931

    Hydrology and Remote Sensing Lab
    Bldg. 007, Rm. 104, BARC-WEST
    Beltsville, MD 20705


    1. Pachepsky, Ya. A., and D. Timlin. 1998. Water transport in soils as in fractal media. Journal of Hydrology , 204:98-107.
    2. Timlin, D., Ya. Pachepsky, V. Shyder, and R. B. Bryant. 1998. Spatial and temporal variability of corn yield on a hillslope. Soil Sci. Soc.Am. J., 62:764-773.
    3. Acock, B., E. Mironenko, Ya. Pachepsky and V. Reddy. 1998. GUICS: Graphic User Interface for Crop Simulation with Windows 95. Version 1.8. USDA-ARS, Remote sensing and modeling laboratory. Beltsville, MD. - software manual.
    4. Mironenko, E. V., and Ya. A. Pachepsky. 1998. Estimating transport of chemicals from soil to ponding water. Journal of Hydrology , 208: 53-61.
    5. Pachepsky, Ya. A., and B. Acock. 1998. Stochastic imaging of soil parameters to assess variability and uncertainty of crop yield estimates. Geoderma, 85: 213-229
    6. Reddy V. R., Ya. A. Pachepsky, and F.D. Whisler. 1998. Allometric Relationships in Field-grown Soybean. Annals of Botany, 82:125-131.
    7. Pachepsky, Ya. A., and J. C. Ritchie. 1998. Seasonal changes in fractal landscape surface roughness estimated from airborne laser altimetry data. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 19: 2509-2516.
    8. Timlin, D. J., and Ya. A. Pachepsky. 1998. Measurement of unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity using a ceramic cup tensiometer. Soil Sci., 163:625-635.
    9. Pachepsky, Ya. A., and D. J. Timlin. 1998. Generating spatially correlated fields with a genetic algorithm. Computers and Geosciences, 24:765-769.
    10. Beyer, W.N., D. Day, A. Morton, and Ya. A. Pachepsky. A. 1998. Relation of lead exposure to sediment ingestion in mute swans on the Chesapeake Bay, USA. Eviron. Toxic. Chem., 17:2298-2301.
    11. Pachepsky, Ya. A., W. Rawls, D. Gimenez, and J. P. C. Watt. 1998. Use of soil penetration resistance and group method of data handling to improve soil water retention estimates. Soil & Tillage Research, 49: 117-128.
    12. Pachepsky, Ya. A. 1998. In Discussion of : J. D. Philips, On the relation between complex systems and the factorial model of soil formation. Geoderma, 86: 31-32.
    13. Pachepsky, Ya. A., J. W. Crawford, and W.J. Rawls. 1999. Preface. Geoderma, 88: P. v.
    14. Crawford, J.W., Ya. A. Pachepsky, and W. J. Rawls. 1999. Integrating processes in soils using fractal models. Geoderma, 88: 103-109.
    15. Filgueira, R.R., Ya. Pachepsky, L. L.Fournier, G. O. Sarli, and A. Aragon. 1999.Comparison of Fractal Dimensions Estimated From Aggregate Mass-Size Distribution and Water Retention Scaling. Soil Science, 164: pp. 217 - 226.
    16. Ponizovsky, A.A., S. M. Chudinova, and Ya. A. Pachepsky. 1999. Performance of TDR calibration models as affected by soil texture. Journal of Hydrology: 218: 35-42.
    17. Pachepsky, Ya. A., W. J. Rawls, and D. J. Timlin. 1999. The current status of pedotransfer functions: their accuracy, reliability, and utility in field- and regional-scale modeling. In: Assessment of non-point source pollution in the vadose zone. Corwin, D. L., K. Loague, and T. R. Ellsworth (Eds.). Geophysical monograph 108. Pp. 223-234. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C. - book chapter.
    18. Acock, B., Ya. A. Pachepsky, E.V. Mironenko, F. D. Whisler, and V. R. Reddy. 1999. GUICS: A Generic User Interface for On-Farm Crop Simulations. Agronomy J., 91:657-665.
    19. Pachepsky, Ya., D. Timlin, and L. Ahuja. 1999. Estimating Saturated Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Using Water Retention Data And Neural Networks. Soil Science, 164:552-560.
    20. Timlin, D. J., L. R. Ahuja, Ya. A. Pachepsky, R. D. Williams, D. Gimenez, and W. J. Rawls. 1999. Use of Brooks-Corey parameters to improve estimates of saturated conductivity from effective porosity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. , 63:1086-1092.
    21. Reddy, V. R., D. J. Timlin, and Ya. A. Pachepsky. 1999. Quantitative description of plant density effects on branching and light interception in soybean. Biotronics, 28:73-85.
    22. Reddy, V. R., and Ya. A. Pachepsky. 2000. Predicting Crop Yields Under Climate Change Conditions From Monthly GCM Weather Projections. Environmental Modeling and Software, 15: 79 - 86.
    23. Pachepsky, Ya. A., and W. J. Rawls. 1999. Accuracy and reliability of pedotransfer functions as affected by grouping soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. , 63: 1748-1757
    24. Acock, M. C., and Ya. Pachepsky. 2000. Estimating missing weather data for agricultural simulations using group method of data handling. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 37: 1176-1184
    25. Hajnos, M., L. P. Korsunskaia, and Ya. Pachepsky. 2000. Fractal dimensions of soil pore surfaces in a managed grassland. Soil and Tillage Research, 55: 63-70.
    26. Zeiliguer, A.M., Ya. A. Pachepsky, and W. J. Rawls. 2000. Estimating water retention of sandy soils using the additivity hypothesis. Soil Science, 165: 373-383
    27. Pachepsky, Ya. , D. Benson and W. Rawls. 2000. Simulating Scale-Dependent Solute Transport in Soils with the Fractional Advective-Dispersive Equation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am .J. 1234-1243.
    28. Pachepsky, Ya. A., D. GimJnez, John C. Crawford, and Walter J. Rawls. 2000. Conventional and fractal geometry in soil science. Pp. 7-18. In: Pachepsky, Ya., J. Crawford , and W. Rawls - eds. Fractals in Soil Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam New York.
    29. Pachepsky, Ya. A., D. GimJnez, and Walter J. Rawls. 2000. Bibliography on applications of fractals in soil science. Pp. 273-295. In: Pachepsky, Ya., J. Crawford , and W. Rawls - eds. Fractals in Soil Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam New York. .
    30. Pachepsky, Ya. , D. Benson and D.Timlin. Transport of Water and Solutes in Soil as in Fractal Media. In: Selim, H. M., and D. L. Sparks (Eds.) Processes of Water and Solute Transport and Retention in Soils. SSSA Special Publication. (accepted May, 2000).
    31. Pachepsky, Ya., W. J. Rawls, and D. J. Timlin. A one-parameter relationship between unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water retention. Soil Science. (Accepted July 9, 2000).
    32. Haskett, J., Y. Pachepsky, and B. Acock. Effect of Climate and Atmospheric Change on Soybean Water Stress: A Study of Iowa. Ecological Modeling (Accepted August 23, 2000).
    33. Pachepsky, Ya., W. J. Rawls, and D. Gimenez. Comparison of field and laboratory soil water retention. Soil Science Soc. Am. J. (Accepted September 15, 2000).
    34. Pachepsky, Y. A., and W. J. Rawls. 2000. Fractional Advective-Dispersive Equation To Simulate Solute Transport In Soils. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Preferential Flow in Soils. (Accepted September 14, 2000).
    35. Timlin, D. J., Ya. A. Pachepsky, C. Walthall, and S. Loekel. 2000. The use of a water budget model and yield maps to characterize water availability in a landscape. Soil and Tillage Research, 2000 (12/00)

    Fred Bernard Wood, Sr., Ph.D.

    Country: USA

    Scientific and practical area: Philosophical and practical solutions for surviving of civilization. 

    Membership: Academician International Informatizational Academy

    Web page:


    1. Wood Fred Bernard. (1987). Philosophy of Testing of Hypotheses and Matrix of Climate Theories vs. Evidence. Proceedings, International Society of General Systems Research. Budapest, Hungary. June 1-5.
    2. Wood Fred Bernard. (1988). Comment: on the Need for Validation of the Jones et al. Temperature Trends with Respect to Urban Warming. Climate Change. pp. 297-312. 
    3. Wood Fred Bernard. (1988). The Need for System Research on Global Climate Change. Systems Research, vol. 5, N 3, pp. 225-240. 
    4. Wood Fred Bernard. (1990). Engineering Philosophy of Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up System Analyses of Climate Change. ERS 800. Proceedings, International Society for the System Sciences Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, July 9, 7 pp. 

    Carlos Aliaga Uria, Acad.

    Collahge Logique Engineering of Eingij Colha Gegnion

    Country: Bolivia.

    Membership: Academician International Informatizational Academy; The: Campaign; Earth Regeneration Society; Eingij Colha Gegnion Museums; Project Z; Tote Le Monde; Federacion Internacional de Orgonomia Social.

    Theme: Humane acceleration of global climate stabilization which is the cornerstone of a negentrophic and "shareable co-evolution with the biosphere" - as proposed by Frederick Bernard Wood Sr. (Fred B Wood Sr.); to contribute to this, I help myself with the continuous development of what I have denominated as the Collahge Logique (CL), which is an artistically expressed, systems sciences engineered, fracto-dialectically aesthetical pulsating logical system that, according to Fred B. Wood Sr., perhaps can be described by a 3rd. order partial differential equations related to the imaginary/scalar component of the Maxwell equations. Also, with CL I also try to contribute to the: positive trascendence of world violence, as well as to the "pacification of the struggle for existence" in H. Marcuse's terms, and especially of the violence from the actual economic massacre that affects close to 90% of the world population; tolerance of the individual by State, society, family, religious  and economic systems, as well as by any social/mass movements; cutting edge research and  development of negentrophic systems; development and endowment of a type of  Duchampian surrealism, and anti-commercial (as well as anti "socialist realism") art; genuine  admission of the Holocaust (as suggested by Laurence Langer); advanced and profound  studies of the impact of the world's generalised insensitivity to the Holocaust on the  currently "clean" (and even with a  smile) violence and obtuseness of the contemporary world; research on "Orgonomia Social Silvestre" as proposed by F.I.O.S.(Federacion Internacional de Orgonomia Social); positive trascendence of patriarchy and development of work democracy -as proposed in the advanced sociopolitical cosmobiophysics of W. Reich; Jewish History and anti-Judeophobia; clarification of the role of the Jew in the world (as proposed by the Jewish Philosopher and expert on Judeophobia studies, Dr. Gustavo Daniel Perednik); cutting edge systems exploratory search for the geographic location and chronology of Plato's Atlantis, and diffusion of latest findings in support of the British J.  Allen's theory of Atlantis/South America (with its capital, in the Southern region of Bolivia's Altiplano -possibly, in Pampa Aullagas, a possibility suggested by both myself and Jim Allen, Oruro,  or perhaps even in Uruquella, Oruro a possibility that I think is more likely  these days); Aymara language history and logic in relationship to other languages of the world (i.e., promotion of the work of the late polyglot and scholar of Aymara Language, the genious Emeterio Villamil de Rada); follow up on the Elaine Morgan's "Aquatic Ape Theory"; discovery of origen, a powerful energy and information field in the universe; and -last but not least- the protection of the  children of now and of the future. Global models, Climate, Control processes & Informatization, Ecology, Geopolitics

    Phone: 5914-4232682(w); 4530265(h)
    Fax: same

    Address: Casilla 3296, Cochabamba, Bolivia

    Bibliography: Please visit the "Engij Colha Gegnion" Museums (a.k.a. Museos Carlos Aliaga) in Bolivia to have access to over 5000 pages of original written material.

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