To read polemic papers of S.V. Tsirel and A. Nikolsky about book of A.P. Parshev "Why Russia is not America" 
Mathematical modelling
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Web Site "Mankind and the Biosphere " is intended first of all for the mathematical ecologists, climatologists and all those who develops mathematical models for the analysis of the future of mankind and a nature. We want this site should unite all. Those who is engaged in the analysis of running waves in polynomial population models, investigate global biosphere processes, predict the growth of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, calculate the global warming. Those who calculate fall out of acid rains and make the forecasts of change of the ozone layer. Those who simulate formation pattern in a wood cover, develop models of a global demography and predict the "demographic explosion".

Also it is intended for all those who is engaged in research of the nature but is not connected directly to mathematics: ecologists, geographers, experts in energetic. We hope this site will be useful to the scientists of countries of West and East, for scientists of the developed and developing countries. Here they will find out something useful to themselves and will give some useful information for another`. Will be exchange ideas. Organize discussions and participate in them. Will inform about the conferences. Here it is possible to publish papers and to expose copies of the published ones, to find ideas of the future works and to get possible co-authors.

We invite all the nature investigators to participate in the site and as a minimum to send us addresses of E-mail and Web of pages that we will expose on the site. Register at the site! We invite those who is engaged in modeling, makes experiments, goes on expeditions, prepares information - and all others who is engaged in problems of rational land using and nature preservation.

We wait for you and your inserts!

Professor Alexander Tarko
Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 40, Vavilov Street 
Computing Centre RAS
Moscow 117967 
Web  page:

E-mail of the site:

If you have no Web page or E-mail and you want to get them - write to us and we will either help you to create it in the Internet or will create it for you. The requirement for creation Web page is simple: send us information about yourself, about your scope of interests, list of publications, and, if possible,  a photo (via E-mail or ordinary mail)


Send us the materials, which can be useful in 
any section of Web Site!

Web design and Java Scripts: Maria Trusenkova

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