LiouvillianSolution procedure

The procedure finds the Liouvillian solution of the given linear (q-)recurrence with the rational function coefficients using the algorithm by Hendriks & Singer. The Liouvilian solution is a generalization of the (q-)hypergeometric solution. Let H is the set of all (q-)hypergeometric sequences and L is the smallest subring of the ring S of all sequences which contains H and is closed under (q-)shifts, summation and interlacing. The elements of L are called Liouvillian sequences and a recurrence has a Liouvillian solution if it has a nonzero solution in L. the Maple code of the procedure (implemented by D.E.Khmelnov and A.A.Ryabenko). - the Maple session file help page and examples of using the procedure.

LiouvillianSolution.pdf - PDF version of the Maple session file help page and examples of using the procedure.

liouvilliansolution.txt · Last modified: 2013/02/02 11:19 by denis
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