Основные публикации Logotype

1. http://www.ccas.ru//OR-Conferences (ISBN PRINT 5-201-09750-2, 5-201-09749-9)
2. Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 1990-4789. Original Russian Texts are published in Diskretnyy analiz i issledovanie operaciy. Seriya 2.
3. Jоurnal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 1064-2307. Original Russian Texts are published in Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Teoriya i Sistemy Upravleniya.
4. Mathematical Modeling (Matematicheskoe modelirovanie. 0234-0879) (in Russian)
5. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 0965-5425. Original Russian Texts are published in Zhurnal Vychislitelnoy Matematiki i Matematicheskoy Fiziki.
6. Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. 0278-6419. Original Russian Texts are published in Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 15. Vychislitelnaya Matematika i Kibernetika.
7. http://www.ccas.ru
8. http://math.nsc.ru/conference/scor98/scorrus.html
9. Germeyer, Yu B. Introduction to the Theory of Operations Research. 1971. Nauka, Moscow. (in Russian)
10. Germeier, Yu B. Non-Antagonistic Games. Series: Theory and Decision Library. 1986; 46. Reidel Pub. Co, Hingham, MA.
11. Moiseev, N N. Man, nature and the future of civilization: "nuclear winter" and the problem of a "permissible threshold". 1986. Novosti Press Agency Pub. House, Moscow.
12. Krasnoshchekov, P S, Fedorov, V V, Flerov, Yu A. Elements of Mathematical Decision making Theory. Avtom. Proektir. 1997; 1: 15-23. (in Russian)
13. Krasnoschekov, P S, Petrov, A A. Principles of Model Design. 2000. Fazis, Moscow (in Russian)
14. Kreines, M G. Models and Technologies for the extraction of aggregated knowledge to control processes of the retrieval of non-structured information. J. of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2009; 48(2): 272-281.
15. Petrov, A A. On the foundations of mathematical modeling of economy. Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc. 2001; 6(4): 313-316.
16. Petrov, A A, Pospelov, I G, Shananin, A A. From Gosplan to ineffective market: Mathematical analysis of development of Russian economic structures. 1999. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston - Queenston - Lampeter, NY, USA.
17. Demberel, S, Olenev, N, Pospelov, I. An interaction model for livestock farming and steppe ecosystem. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2004; 67(4-5): 335-342.
18. Malashenko, Yu E, Novikova, N M. Uncertainty Models in Many-User Systems. 1999. Editorial URSS, Moscow. (in Russian)
19. Davidson, M R, Dogadushkina, Yu V, Kreines, E M, Novikova, N M, Seleznev, A V, Udaltsov, Yu A , and Shiryaeva, L V. Mathematical Model of Power System Management in Conditions of a Competitive Wholesale Electric Power (Capacity) Market In Russia. J. of computer and Systems Sciences International. 2009; 48(2): 243-253.
20. Lotov, A, Bushenkov, V, Kamenev, G. Interactive Decision Maps. Approximation and Visualization of the Pareto Frontier. 2004. Kluwer, Boston.
21. Novikova, N M, Pospelova, I I. Multicriteria Decision Making Under Uncertainty. Mathematical Programming. 2002; 92(3):537-554.
22. Russian contributions to game theory and equilibrium theory. Driessen, T S, Van Der Laan, G, Vasilev, V A, eds. 2006. Springer-Verlag, New York.
23. Krasnoshchekov, P.S. What Bill Gates Held Back. 1998; Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 68(6): 440-444.
24. Vasin, A. On stability of mixed equilibria. Nonlinear Analysis. 1999; 38: 793-802.
25. Krasnoshchekov, P S, Morozov, V V, Popov, N M, Fedorov, V V. Hierarchical Design Schemes and Decomposition Numerical Methods. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2001; 40(5): 754-763.
26. Vasin, A, Navidi, Kh. Optimal tax inspection strategy. Comput. Math. &Modeling. 2003; 4: 160-172.
27. Vasin, A, Morozov, V. Investment decision under uncertainty and evaluation of American options. Int. J. Math. Game Theory, Algebra. 2006; 15(3): 323-336.
28. Vasin, A, Stepanov, D. Endogenous formation of political parties. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 2008; 48(9-10): 1519-1526.
29. Izmailov, A F, Solodov, M V. Numerical Methods of Optimization. 2008. Fizmatlit/Nauka, Moscow. (in Russian). (Also, in Portuguese: Optimization. 2005, 1. 2007, 2. IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
30. http://io.cs.msu.su

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