History of
Operations Research Department
Activities in scope of operations research in Computing Centre started in 1966, when Y.B.Germeier came and the section of operations theory appeared in the department of N.N.Moiseev. The department of operations research was created on the basis of this section at 1.12.74. Y.B.Germeier was its head till june 1975. Basic directions of work were: game theory, decision making theory, theory and methods of optimization. Many results of those researches concerning formalisation of information exchange procedures, accounting of incertain factors, development of solving methods and optimization tasks are classical now. Germeier's books "Introduction into operations research theory" and "Games with nonantagonistic interests" defined the activity of a few generations of researchers and direct the work of our departament till now.

In 1976-1991 department is directed by prof. Ushakov Igor Alexeevich. He is a well known specialist in scope of reliability of technical systems. In this period the themes of researches widened and interesting results in scopes of adaptive control, stochastic optimization, system analisys on experiment data, imitation modelling and some othe were token. I.A.Ushakov initiated the using of achieved results into technical system construction. There were the cooperation with instutions of various brands. I.A.Ushakov paid an essential attention to international cooperation. He was the deputy director of Akademie of Sciences Operation Research Commitee and official representative of USSR in IFORS.

Since 1991 till present time the Head of department is Y.E.Malashenko.

There are a cooperation with brand institutes. Scientific projects of department is supported by grants of Russian Foundation of Basic Researches and International Scientific Foundation. Our employees take a part in international projects and join projects with Mathematical Institute, Moscow State university and Moscow State Technical University.

The 1-st Moscow international conference on Operation Research was organized by our department in 1996, where Russian Scientific Operations Research Sociaty (RSORS) was founded. The work in RSORS is an essential part of activity of department. Our employees edited Thesises of Conference and basic documents of RSORS. The 2-nd Moscow international conference on Operation Research was organized by our department in 1998 by the support of Russian Foundation of Basic Researches. Thesises were issued. In the cooperation with Computing Centre of Sibiria Branch of Russian Academy of Scienses the russian scientific journal "Operations Research" is issued, which is translated into English too.