King's Valley Online and Mobile beta testing |
Activate applet by clicking with your mouse at it.
Symbol or troubles running the game
may be related to your Java Virtual Machine.
JVM 6 Update 10 [1.6.0_10-b33] or later is required.
Use your Java console to obtain information about problems running applet.
King's Valley Online
© KONAMI 1985
© Eugeny Brychkov 2008
Copying and/or selling of King's Valley Online application or any of its parts without written permission of
Intellectual Property holders is prohibited
(222,759 bytes)
(275 bytes)
King's Valley Mobile v.1.01: developed for
multimedia phones, messengers and communicators.
Tips for running the game:
- Rotate screen to your convenient orientation, for game screen to fit your mobile
device's screen space turn scaling on (scaling is application-based, thus may slow
down the gaming and cause hiccups);
- game controls layout rotates according to the screen orientation;
- You can redefine the game controls: select "Redefine keys" and press keys in the
following functional order: left-up, up, right-up; left, jump, right; left-down, down,
right-down. Note: some keys may not work in the game;
- If game appears too hard to play, you may wish to turn mummies off until you develop
strategy to pass level(s).
Downloading for personal use is allowed. Downloading for distribution and selling
without written permission of Intellectual Property holders is prohibited
Contact information for bug reports, enhancement wishes, opportunity considerations, kudos:
eugeny_brychkov at
Known limitations of the Mobile version
Brand |
Description |
Model |
Reported by |
Fix |
Nokia |
May not run the game with the error "Out Of Memory Error: Maximum byte code [data] length
(32kB) exceeded"
Nokia 5200 |
Zbigniew |
Solved in v.1.01
Music and sound is not working / not playing properly |
Nokia N76 |
Igor |
N/A: embedded JVM bug, large WAV files
Disclaimer: Eugeny Brychkov and Konami assume no liability for any loss, injury, claim,
liability or damage of any kind including loss of business, lost profits, lost data, or failure of
security resulting in any way from use of the King's Valley Online and/or King's Valley Mobile,
including without limitation any errors or omissions, any content, any delay or failure of performance, or
the unavailability or interruption of King's Valley Online and/or King's Valley Mobile. Accordingly,
Eugeny Brychkov and Konami shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential,
punitive or exemplary damages of any kind whatsoever, whether or not foreseeable (including, without
limitation, lawyers' fees) in any way due to, resulting from, or arising in connection with
King's Valley Online and/or King's Valley Mobile or the failure of any party to perform its duties or
obligations, regardless of any party's negligence.
King's Valley Online and King's Valley Mobile are provided as is, without any warranty of any kind
whatsoever including, without limitation, any changes to existing code and algorithms,
any warranty of fitness for particular purpose and non-infringement.
Changes in v.1.01 (Jun 18, 2013): split code segments into <32K (solving issue reported by Zbigniew), level
data is separated into binary file. No change to game algorithms is performed. Special thanks
to George Roberto Peres (BR).