
1964: D.E.E.E. in Computer Science, Moscow Power Engineering Technical University, Faculty of Automation and Computer Machinery, Department on Applied Mathematics;

1964-1967: Postgraduate Course in Cybernetics, Institute of the Problems of Information Transmission of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPPI, Moscow). Principal subjects: Probability Theory, Information Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Approximation Theory, Control Theory, Pattern Recognition, Biophysics, Theoretical Cardiology. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Sc. Elias Sh. Pinsker ( IPPI Computer Lab.), Prof. Dr. Sc. Boris M. Tsukerman (Lab. of Physiology);

1971: Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Institute of Biological Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Title: "The Analysis of Electrocardiograms as the Vector Functions". Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Sc. Elias Sh. Pinsker, Prof. Dr. Sc. Boris M. Tsukerman;

1974-1977: Keldysh Scholarship (three-year Post-Doctoral Research Course founded by Acad. M.V. Keldysh, the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences to support Joint Soviet-Hungarian academic research projects). Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Central Research Institute of Physics (MTA KFKI, Budapest), Research Institute for Telecommunications (TKI, Budapest), Institute for Advanced Doctors (OTKI, Budapest) Topics: "Computer-Assisted Cardiology. Inverse Problems in Cardiology". Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Antaloczy Zoltan, MD (OTKI). Supervising Managers of the projects: Dr. Csapodi Csaba (TKI), Dr. Szlavik Ferenc (KFKI);

1994-1995: "Environmental Risk Assessment and Environmental Management in the USA", METEP-IET&C Inc., Course for the Academy of Educational Development in frame of the NIS Education and Training Project sponsored by the US AID; Also various training courses, seminars and schools at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, at the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, at the Moscow Central Institute for Advanced Doctors, etc. on Applied and Pure Mathematics, Computer Science, Computations, Control Theory, Applied Statistics, Pattern Recognition, Signal Theory, Biophysics, Cardiology and Biol. Statistics taken from 1964 onwards.