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Nadezhda B. Konyukhova

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Curriculum Vitae

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Nadezhda B. Konyukhova

Address: Leningrad. Hwy. 112/1, Block 4, Apt.1063, 125445 Moscow, Russia.

Tel: (7-495)4579628 (home), (7-499)1353398 (office).

Konyukhova Nadezhda Borisovna (Lyalikova N. B. formerly, up to 1965), birth 20.10.1941, Tomsk, Russia; married, one daughter.

Speciality: Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Differential Equations (DEs), Mathematical Physics.

Current position Leading research worker of the Department of Numerical Methods in the Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS (CC RAS).

Education: Diploma (MSc), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1959-1965; post-graduate studentship in the same Institute, 1965-1969.

Degree: Candidate of Sciences in Mathematics and Physics (certain analog of PhD), 1971. Thesis: On segregation of bounded solutions for some systems of ordinary differential equations(ODEs).

Academic rank: Senior research worker (RW), 1980.

Office (since 1969): Department of Numerical Methods, Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS (Acad. Sci. of USSR formerly), Vavilov str., 40, 119991 Moscow GSP-1, Russia.

Career: Junior RW 1969-1971; Junior RW Cand. of Sci. 1971-1978; Senior RW 1978-1986; Leading RW 1986-1991; Head of the Laboratory of Numerical Methods for ODEs 1991-2008: Leading RW 2008 — present.
    Among the pupils three ones are Cand. of Sci. and one was Prof. Dr. (in Hungary).

Publications: More than 160 publications since 1965 (as Lyalikova N. B. in 1965, 1966); among them 98 papers are in the refereed mathematical and physical journals and transactions, namely in: Zh. Vychisl. Matem. i Matem. Fiz. (English transl. in (U.S.S.R.) Comput. Maths Math. Phys.); Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Sov. Math. Dokl.); Differents. Uravn.(Diff. Equ.); Matem. Zam. (Math. Notes); Soobsh. VTs Akad. Nauk SSSR (RAN); Yad. Fiz. (Phys. Atomic Nuclei); Zh. Eksp. i Teor. Fiz. (Sov. Phys. JETP); Pis'ma v Zh. Eksp. i Teor. Fiz. (JETP Lett.); Teor. i Eksp. Khim.; Fiz. Plazmy; Radiotekh. i Elect.; Sov. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling (VNU Sci. Press, Utrecht, The Netherlands); Studia Scient. Math. Hungarica; Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling Banach Center Publs. (Warsaw); Colloquia Math. Societatis Janos Bolyai (Hungary); Comput. Math. Banach Center Publs. (Warsaw); ASME (New York); World Scientific Publs. (Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong); Comput. Phys. Commun. (Elsevier Science, The Netherlands); Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers (New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow); J. Comput. Methods in Sciences and Engineering (JCMSE; Cambridge International Science Publishing); J. Comput. Appl. Math. (Elsevier Science); Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki (Surveys on Applied and Industrial Mathematics), etc.
    Translation into Russian: Ortega J. M., Poole W. G. An Introduction to Numerical Methods for Differential Equations. — Jr. Pitman Publ. Inc., 1981.

Communications to scientific meetings: More than 75 scientific meetings, including more than 50 Intern. Conf. and Schools (with the personal support by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Intern. Science Foundation (ISF), German Research Foundation (GRF), different Organizing Committees, etc.). The list of some selected Intern. Conf. (since 1995 only): “Differential-Algebraic Equations, Related Fields and Applications” (1995, Oberwolfach, Germany); “Fifth Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of DEs” (1996, Szeged, Hungary); “Conf. on DEs and Their Applications” (1997, Brno, Czech Republic); “Partial DEs, Theory and Numerical Solutions” (1998, Praha, Czech Republic); “Tenth Intern. Colloquium on DEs” (1999, Plovdiv, Bulgaria; invited speaker); “Trends in Nonlinear Analysis” (2000, Heidelberg, Germany); “XXII. Dynamics Days Europe 2002” (2002, Heidelberg, Germany); “EQUADIFF 2003” (2003, Hasselt, Belgium); “Intern. Workshop on Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Singular Problems” (2004, Lisbon, Portugal; invited speaker), “Spectral and Evolution Problems” (1999-2010, Sevastopol, Ukraine; invited speaker in 2006-2009); “Days on Diffraction” (1998-2007, 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia; invited speaker in 2007), etc.

Visits to institutions with the personal invitations to consult, read lectures or/and take part in the joint works (since 1995 only): Humboldt-University, Berlin (1995);Computer and Automation Research Inst. of HAS, Budapest (1998); Center of Applied Math. of Inst. Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal (1999, 2001, 2003).

Principal subject of research at present: Stable initial manifolds (SIMs) and singular nonlinear boundary value problems (BVPs) for ODEs; accompanying singular Cauchy problems (CPs) for the systems of quasilinear partial DEs. Singular CPs and without initial data problems for systems of nonlinear ODEs and functional-differential equations (FDEs), including integro-differential equations (IDEs) and differential-delay equations; SIMs for FDEs. Analysis and numerical solution of singular nonlinear BVPs, arising in the nonlinear physics models and in the modern models of actuarial and financial mathematics.

Scientific interests: Analytical research in DEs and FDEs with degeneracies or on infinite interval; numerical methods in the problems of mathematical and theoretical physics reduced to singular BVPs; numerical-analytical investigations in the problems of acoustics, electrodynamics, quantum physics, theory of shells, nonlinear theory of field, relativistic cosmology models, theory of superconductivity, hydromechanics, actuarial and financial mathematics and other fields, connected with the solution of singular DEs (including spectral problems and computing complex special functions) and FDEs (including IDEs and differentialdelay equations), etc.

Scientific research Projects and Grants, Prizes:

1) Stipend of G. Soros, 1993-1994 (ISF and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences); Individual Grant of G. Soros, 1993 (ISF); Principal Investigator (PI) of the Project No. J8K100, 1995 (ISF with RFBR and Russian Government).

2) Participation in the NATO project PST/CLG.976878 (NATO Physical and Engineering Science and Technology Collaborative Linkage Grant), 2001; grant NATO PST.EV.979657 (NATO Science Programme – Expert Visit), 2003.

3) State Stipend for Russian Scientists, 1997-2000 and 2000-2003 (RAS).

4) Responsible Investigator to the Projects of Russian Ministry of Science, Higher Schools and Technical Policy “Numerical Techniques and Software for Numerical Treatment of Physical Processes in Modern Technical Systems” (1056, “Tekhnika” and “Development of Parallel Algorithms for Mathematical Modelling and Solving Complicated Problems of Applied Mathematical Physics” (9d-125/3, “Bystrodeistvie”), 1992-1996.

5) PI (co-PI with A. A. Abramov) to the RFBR Projects: No.94-01-01495, 1994-1995; No.96-01-00951, 1996-1998; No.99-01-00331, 1999-2001; No.02-01-00050, 2002-2004; No.05-01-00257, 2005-2007; No. 08-01-00139, 2008-2010; No. 11-01-00219, 2011-2013.

6) Prizes for the best scientific works of the CC RAS in 1975, 1980, 1995, 2002-2006, 2010.

Awards: Medals “The Work-Veteran” and “In the Memory to 850th Anniversary of Moscow”; Gratitude from President of RAS to 275th Anniversary of RAS.

Numerous nominations of IBC and ABI since 1993; the invitation to the Membership of New York Academy of Sciences, 1998. Numerous invitations to submit the articles in the various international physical and mathematical journals.

Membership of professional societies: Member of the AMS in 1994-1998 and since 2004 – present; numerous invitations to the membership of the other international professional societies since 1993 – present.

List of selected publications (1965 – 2010)

  1. Birger, E.S. and Lyalikova (Konyukhova), N.B. Discovery of the solutions of certain systems of differential equations with a given condition at infinity. I// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1965, 5(6), 1-17.

  2. Birger, E.S. and Lyalikova (Konyukhova), N.B. On finding the solutions for a given condition at infinity of certain systems of ordinary differential equations. II// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1966, 6(3), 47-57.

  3. Birger, E.S. and Konyukhova, N.B. Calculation of molecules in a one-electron one-center approxomation// Teoretical and and Experimental Chemistry, 1970, 4(1), 16-21.

  4. Konyukhova, N.B. On numerical isolation of the solutions tending to zero at infinity of certain two-dimensional non-linear sets of ordinary differential equations// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1970, 10(1), 95-111.

  5. Konyukhova, N.B. On solution of boundary value problems in an infinite interval for some non-linear sets of ordinary differential equations involving singularities// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1970, 10(5), 106-121.

  6. Konyukhova, N.B. On the behavior of the solutions inside and outside of stable manifold for certain two-dimensional nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations// Math. Notes, 1970, 8(3), 632-638.

  7. Konyukhova, N.B. Segregation of stable manifolds for some nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations with a singularity// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1973, 13(3), 91-113.

  8. Birger, E.S., Kerbikov, B.O., Konyukhova, N.B. and Shapiro, I.S. On bound quasinuclear states of 2n 2anti-n system// Yad. Fiz., 1973, 17(1), 178-185 [in Russian].

  9. Konyukhova, N.B. The iterative solution of non-linear boundary value problems, selecting small solutions of some systems of ordinary differential equations with a singularity// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1974, 14(5), 127-137.

  10. Abramov, A.A., Birger, E.S., Konyukhova, N.B. and Ulyanova, V.I. Numerical segregation of the bounded solutions for systems of ordinary differential equations// Differential equations (Colloq., Keszthely, 1975), pp. 17-26. Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai, 15 (Amsterdam-New York: North-Holland Publ. Co., 1977).

  11. Voronov, N.A., Kobzarev, I.Yu. and Konyukhova, N.B. On possibility of the existence of new type mesons// JETP Lett., 1975, 22(11), 290-294.

  12. Birger, E.S., Vainshtein, L.A. and Konyukhova, N.B. Diffraction of a wave bunch on a plasma cylinder// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1976, 16(6), 143-155.

  13. Vainshtein, L.A., Birger, E.S., Konyukhova, N.B., Kosarev, Y.L. and Prudkovskii, G.P. Shortwave plasma diagnostics// Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1976, 2(4), 362-369.

  14. Abramov, A.A., Birger, E.S., Konyukhova, N.B. and Ulyanova, V.I. On methods of numerical solution of boundary value problems for systems of linear ordinary differential equations// Numerical methods (Third Colloq., Keszthely, 1977), pp. 33-67. Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai, 22 (Amsterdam-New York: North-Holland Publ. Co., 1980).

  15. Belova, T.I., Voronov, N.A., Kobzarev, I.Yu. and Konyukhova, N.B. Particle-like solutions of the scalar Higgs equation// Sov. Phys. JETP, 1977, 46(5), 846-852.

  16. Dikman, S.M. and Konyukhova, N.B. Numerical investigation of the skin effect in a plasma columnm // U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1978, 18(2), 96-105.

  17. Abramov, A.A., Ditkin, V.V., Konyukhova, N.B., Pariiskii, B.S. and Ul'yanova, V.I. Evoluation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of ordinary differential equations with singularities// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1980, 20(5), 63-81.

    (Chinese transl. in: Abramov, A.A., Dytkin, V.V., Konyukhova, N.B., Pariiskii, B.S. and Ul'yanova, V.I. The calculation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of ordinary differential equations with singularities// Appl. Math. Math. Comput., 1983, 5, 1-10.)

  18. Belova, T.I., Voronov, N.A., Konyukhova, N.B. and Pariiskii, B.S. Numerical investigation of the stability of particle-like solutions of the scalar field equations// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1981, 21(1), 89-107.

  19. Konyukhova, N.B. Singular Cauchy problems for systems of ordinary differential equations// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1983, 23(3), 72-82.

  20. Konyukhova, N.B. On admissible boundary conditions at an irregular singular point for systems of linear ordinary differential equations// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1983, 23(4), 23-35.

  21. Abramov, A.A., Dyshko, A.L., Konyukhova, N.B., Pak, T.V. and Pariiskii, B.S. Evoluation of prolate spheroidal functions by solving the corresponding differential equations// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1984, 24(1), 1-11.

  22. Abramov, A.A., Konyukhova, N.B. and Balla, K. Stable initial manifolds and singular boundary value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations// Computational Mathematics (Warsaw, 1980). Banach Center Publ., PWN, Warsaw, 1984, 13, 319-351 [in Russian].

  23. Veselov, A.I., Grach I.L., Konyukhova, N.B. and Shmatikov, M.Zh. Investigation of the properties of the 6-quark bag by means of a P-matrix analysis// Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 1984, 40(1), 125-129.

  24. Konyukhova, N.B. Singular Cauchy problems for sets of quasilinear equations with first-order partial derivatives// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1985, 25(6), 139-151.

  25. Badalyan, A.M., Belova, T.I., Konyukhova, N.B. and Efros, V.D. Resonances in H-4// Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 1985, 41(6), 926-931.

  26. Abramov, A.A. and Konyukhova, N.B. Transfer of admissible boundary conditions from a singular point for systems of linear ordinary differential equations// Sov. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling (The Netherlands, Utrecht: VNU Science Press), 1986, 1(4), 245-265.

  27. Badalyan, A.M., Konyukhova, N.B. and Pariisky, B.S. The spectrum of states in Yang-Mills quantum mechanics// Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 1987, 45(6), 1094-1101.

  28. Konyukhova, N.B. and Pak, T.V. Singular Cauchy problems with a large parameter for systems of non-linear ordinary differential equations// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1987, 27(2), 118-131.

  29. Konyukhova, N.B. and Pak, T.V. On the transfer from infinity of admissible boundary conditions for systems of linear ordinary differential equations with a large parameter// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1987, 27(3), 132-146.

  30. Konyukhova, N.B. Existence and uniqueness of solutions of singular Cauchy problems for systems of nonlinear functional differential equations// Sov. Math. Dokl., 1988, 36(1), 126-128.

  31. Konyukhova, N.B. On the existence of the stable initial manifolds for systems of nonlinear functional-differential equations// Sov. Math. Dokl., 1989, 39(3), 519-523.

  32. Abramov, A.A., Vainshtein, L.A., Dyshko, A.L. and Konyukhova, N.B. Numerical investigations of the free electrical axisymmetrical oscillations of an ideally conducting prolate spheroid// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys. 1989, 29(2), 140-153.

  33. Abramov, A.A., Dyshko, A.L., Konyukhova, N.B. and Levitina, T.V. Evaluation of Lame angular wave functions by solving auxiliary differential equations// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys. 1989, 29(3), 119-131.

  34. Abramov, A.A., Konyukhova, N.B., Pariiskii, B.S., Prikhod'ko, V.Yu. and Tyutekin, V.V. Numerical studies of free and forced oscillations in a compressible fluid of closed elastic shells of revolution with positive moment// U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths Math. Phys. 1989, 29(3), 74-86.

  35. Konyukhova, N.B. On the existence and uniqueness of time-bounded solutions of systems of evolution quasilinear partial differential equations of first order// Sov. Math. Dokl., 1991, 42(3), 871-875.

  36. Abramov, A.A., Dyshko, A.L., Konyukhova, N.B. amd Levitina, T.V. Computation of radial wave functions for spheroids and triaxial ellipsoids by the modified phase function method// Comput. Maths Math. Phys. 1991, 31(2), 25-42.

  37. Konyukhova, N.B. On the limit behavior of a bounded solution of a system of evolution partial differential equations of first order for unbounded increase of time// Sov. Math. Dokl., 1992, 44(1), 281-286.

  38. Konyukhova, N.B. Existence and uniqueness of bounded solutions of systems of evolutionary, quasilinear, first order partial differential equations// Diff. Equ., 1992, 28(3), 399-411.

  39. Konyukhova, N.B. On the limiting behavior of a bounded solution of a system of quasilinear first-order partial differential evolution equations as time grows to infinity// Diff. Equ., 1992, 28(9), 1283-1293.

  40. Abramov, A.A., Konyukhova N.B. and Levitina T.V. On the diffraction of a plane acoustic wave by a triaxial ellipsoid// Diff. Equ., 1993, 29(8), 1167-1176.

  41. Abramov, A.A., Konyukhova, N.B., Kurochkin, S.V., Pariiskii, B.S. and Prikhod'ko V.Yu. Numerical investigation of axisymmetric free oscillations in a vacuum and excitation in a compressible medium of a prolate cylindrical shells with hemispherical ends//Comput. Maths Math. Phys. 1993, 33(10), 1365-1390.

  42. Konyukhova, N.B. Stable Lyapunov manifolds for autonomous systems of non-linear ordinary differential equations// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1994, 34(10), 1179-1195.

  43. Konyukhova, N.B. Stationary Lyapunov problem for a system of first-order quasilinear partial differential equations// Diff. Equ., 1994, 30(8), 1284-1294.

  44. Belova, T.I., Voronov, N.A., Konyukhova, N.B. and Pariiskii, B.S. Stability regions for one-dimensional solitons of charged scalar field// Phys. Atom. Nucl., 1994, 57(11), 2028-2035.

  45. Konyukhova, N.B. Singular Cauchy problems for some systems of nonlinear functional-differential equations// Diff. Equ., 1995, 31(8), 1286-1293.

  46. Abramov, A.A., Konyukhova, N.B., and Levitina, T.V. Numerical investigation of the problem of a plane acoustic wave scattering by a triaxial ellipsoid// Design Engineering Technical Conferences. 1995, 3(B), 449-454 (ASME, New York).

  47. Abramov, A.A., Dyshko, A.L., Konyukhova, N.B., and Levitina, T.V. A numerical-analytic investigation of the diffraction of a plane acoustic wave by ideal prolate spheroids and triaxial ellipsoids// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1995, 35(9), 1103-1123.

  48. Konyukhova, N.B., Masalovich, S.Y. and Staroverova, I.B. Computation of rapidly oscillating eigenfunctions of a continuous spectrum and their improper integrals// Comput. Maths Math. Phys. 1995, 35(3), 287-302.

  49. Konyukhova, N.B. and Fot, T.E. Numerical investigations of the free axisymmetric electric oscillations of an ideally conducting oblate spheroid// Comput. Maths Math. Phys. 1995, 35(8), 969-986.

  50. Dyshko, A.L. and Konyukhova, N.B. A numerical investigation of forced axisymmetric electric oscillations of an ideally conducting prolate spheroid// Comput. Maths Math. Phys. 1995, 35(5), 593-607.

  51. Konyukhova, N.B. Singular Cauchy problems for singularly perturbed systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. I// Diff. Equ., 1996, 32(1), 54-63.

  52. Konyukhova, N.B. Singular Cauchy problems for singularly perturbed systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. II// Diff. Equ., 1996, 32(4), 491-500.

  53. Voronov, N.A., Dyshko, A.L., Kobzarev, I.Yu. and Konyukhova, N.B. Dynamics of bubbles in a field theory with two degenerate vacua// Phys. Atom. Nucl., 1997, 60(1), 130-139.

  54. Voronov, N.A., Dyshko, A.L., Konyukhova, N.B. and Staroverova, I.B. Nonlinear singular problems in relativistic cosmology. I. The Higgs field in the Minkowski and Friedmann spaces// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1997, 37(11), 1302-1318.

  55. Voronov, N.A., Dyshko, A.L., Konyukhova, N.B. and Staroverova, I.B. Nonlinear singular problems in relativistic cosmology: II. The Higgs field in the de Sitter space// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1997, 37(12), 1460-1473.

  56. Konyukhova, N.B., Pariiski,i B.S. and Prikhod'ko, V.Yu. Resonance radiation of a prolate spheroidal shell under an axisymmetric concentrated excitation// Acoust. Phys., 1997, 43(4), 435-439.

  57. Konyukhova, N.B. and Staroverova, I.B. Modification of the phase method for singular self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville problem// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1997, 39(10), 1143-1160.

  58. Dyshko, A.L. and Konyukhova, N.B. Self-similar solutions to the nonlinear wave equations for the Higgs field in the de Sitter space// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1999, 39(1), 118-134.

  59. Konyukhova, N.B., Linh, V.H. and Staroverova, I.B. Modifications of the method of phase functions as applied to singular problems in quantum physics// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 1999, 39(3), 468-498.

  60. Dyshko, A.L., Konyukhova, N.B. and Voronov, N.A. Automodelling solutions of the Higgs-field nonlinear wave equation in the de Sitter space// Comput. Phys. Commun. (Elsevier Science), 2000, 126(1-2), 57-62.

  61. Dyshko, A.L. and Konyukhova, N.B. Singular nonlinear boundary value problems in the inflationary cosmology models with a scalar field// Spectral and Evolution Problems, Vol.10 (Sevastopol, 1999), pp.121-126. - Simferopol: National Taurida V.Vernadsky University, 2000.

  62. Konyukhova, N.B. Smooth Lyapunov's manifolds and singular boundary value problems for nonlinear autonomous systems on an infinite interval// Spectral and Evolution Problems, Vol.11 (Sevastopol, 2000), pp.204-209. - Simferopol: National Taurida V. Vernadsky University, 2001.

  63. Konyukhova, N.B. and Sukov, A.I. Smooth Lyapunov's manifolds and correct mathematical simulation of nonlinear singular problems in mathematical physics// Mathematical Modeling. Problems, Methods, Applications. - New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2001, 205-217.

  64. Dyshko, A.L. and Konyukhova, N.B. Multiple one-dimensional and spherically symmetric self-similar solutions to the nonlinear wave equation for the Higgs field in the de Sitter space// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 2001, 41(3), 435-456.

  65. Dyshko, A.L., Carpentier, M.P., Konyukhova, N.B. and Lima P.M. Singular problems for Emden-Fowler-type second-order nonlinear ordinary differential equations// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 2001, 41(4), 557-580.

  66. Dyshko, A.L., Konyukhova, N.B. Multiple self-similar string and monopole solutions to nonlinear wave equations in inflationary cosmology// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 2002, 42(4), 450-469.

  67. Dyshko, A.L. and Konyukhova, N.B. Multiple self-similar solitons to the Higgs field in the de Sitter space// J. of Comput. Methods in Sciences and Engineering (JCMSE; Cambridge Intern. Science Publishing), 2002, 11(1-2), 155-162.

  68. Konyukhova, N.B. Singular Cauchy problems and problems without initial data for nonlinear systems of functional-differential equations// Learning Notations of National Taurida V.Vernadsky University (Uchenye zapiski Tavricheskogo Nacional'nogo Universiteta im. V.I.Vernadskogo, Simferopol). Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer Science and Cybernetics. 2002, 15(1), 136-141 (e-print:

  69. Konyukhova, N.B., Lima, P.M. and Carpentier, M.P. Asymptotic and numerical approximation of a nonlinear singular boundary value problem// Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 2002, 3(2), 141-150.

  70. Konyukhova, N.B. and Sukov, A.I. On correct statement of singular BVPs for autonomous systems of nonlinear ODEs with the applications to hydrodynamics// Proc. of the Inter. Seminar “Day on Diffraction'2003”. - St. Petersburg: SPbU, 2003. 99-109.

  71. Gani, V.A., Konyukhova, N.B., Kurochkin, S.V. and Lenskii, V.A. Study of stability of a charge topological soliton in the system of two interacting scalar fields// Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 2004, 44(11), 1968-1981 ((e-print: arXiv:0710.2975 [hep-th]).

  72. Konyukhova, N.B., Dyshko, A.L. and Voronov N.A. On singular problems for self-similar solutions to the systems of nonlinear wave equations arising in the inflationary cosmology// Math. J. (Matematicheskii zhurnal, Almaty), 2004, 4(1), 84-94.

  73. Konyukhova, N.B., Dyshko, A.L. and Voronov, N.A. Singular nonlinear boundary value problems and associated spectral ones arising in the inflationary cosmology// Spectral and Evolution Problems, Vol.14 (Sevastopol, 2003), pp.226- 233. - Simferopol: Taurida National V.Vernadsky University, 2004 (e-print:

  74. Dyshko, A.L., Zharkov, G.F., Konyukhova, N.B. and Kurochkin, S.V. Analytic-numerical investigation of the nonlinear boundary value problem for a superconducting plate in a magnetic field// Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 2005, 45(9), 1593-1617.

  75. Voronov, N.A., Dyshko, A.L. and Konyukhova, N.B. On the stability of a self-similar spherical bubble of a scalar Higgs field in the de Sitter space// Phys. Atomic Nuclei, 2005, 68(7), 1218-1226 (journal server:, Springer).

  76. Konyukhova, N.B., Dyshko, A.L. and Voronov, N.A. Singular problems for self-similar solutions to the systems of nonlinear wave equations in the inflationary cosmology// Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Diff. Eq. - EQUADIFF 2003 (Hasselt - Belgium, July 22-26, 2003)/ F.Dumortier et al., Eds. - Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2005, 1105-1107.

  77. Lima, P.M., Konyukhova, N.B., Sukov, A.I. and Chemetov, N.V. Mathematical analysis and numerical solution of a singular problem in nonlinear physics// Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo Universiteta im. N.I.Lobachevskogo, 2005, 1(28), 162-170.

  78. Konyukhova, N.B. On a solvability of singular Cauchy problems for functional-differential equations with a (non)summable singularity and (non-)Volterra operator// Spectral and Evolution Problems, Vol.16 (Sevastopol, 2005), pp.159-167. - Simferopol: Taurida National V.Vernadsky University, 2006 (e-print:

  79. Lima, P.M., Konyukhova, N.B., Sukov, A.I. and Chemetov, N.V. Analytical-numerical investigation of bubble-type solutions of nonlinear singular problems// J. Comput. Appl. Math. (Elsevier Science), 2006, 189, 260-273.

  80. Dyshko, A.L., Konyukhova, N.B. and Sukov, A.I. Singular problem for a third-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation arising in fluid dynamics// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 2007, 47(7), 1108-1128 (journal server:, Springer).

  81. Konyukhova, N.B. and Kurochkin, S.V. On nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau boundary value problem for a superconducting plate in a magnetic field// Intern. Scientific Journal Spectral and Evolution Problems, 2007, 17, 125-136 (Simferopol: Taurida National V.Vernadsky University; e-print:

  82. Konyukhova, N.B., Lima, P.M., Morgado, M.L. and Soloviev, M.B. Singular nonlinear boundary value problem for bubbletype or droplettype solutions in nonlinear physics models// Intern. Scientific Journal Spectral and Evolution Problems, 2008, 18, 159-170 (Simferopol: Taurida National V.Vernadsky University; e-print:

  83. Konyukhova, N.B., Lima, P.M., Morgado, M.L. and Soloviev, M.B. Bubbles and droplets in nonlinear physics models: analysis and numerical simulation of singular nonlinear boundary value problem// Comput. Maths Math. Phys., 2008, 48(11), 2018-2058.

  84. Konyukhova, N.B. Singular problems for systems of nonlinear functionaldifferential equations// Intern. Scientific Journal Spectral and Evolution Problems, 2010. 20, 199-214 (Simferopol: Taurida National V.Vernadsky University).

  85. Belkina, T.A., Konyukhova, N.B. and Kurkina, A.O. Optimal investment problem in the dynamic insurance models: I. Investment strategies and the ruin probability// Obozrenie Prikladnoi i Promyshlennoi Matematiki (Surveys on Applied and Industrial Mathematics), 2009, 16(6), 961-981 [in Russian].

  86. Belkina, T.A., Konyukhova, N.B. and Kurkina, A.O. Optimal investment problem in the dynamic insurance models: II. Cramér-Lundberg model with the exponential claims// Obozrenie Prikladnoi i Promyshlennoi Matematiki (Surveys on Applied and Industrial Mathematics), 2010, 17(1), 3-24 [in Russian].

The allocation date is May 7, 2011.
The last correction is May 23, 2011.