Multi-criteria DSS for River Water Quality Planning

Lotov A.V., Bushenkov V.A., and Chernykh O.L.

Published in: Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 1997, 12(1).
Abstract A decision support system (DSS) devoted to water quality planning is described. The DSS is based on a graphic multiple criteria technique called FEASIBLE GOALS method, which provides experts and decision makers with objective trade-off curves among cost and pollution criteria. The information improves their understanding of the problem and helps to identify wastewater treatment strategies which provide reasonable balance between cost and pollution.
These strategies are starting points for further negotiation between governmental agencies, private and state owned enterprises, and regional and local authorities involved in wastewater treatment.
The DSS is implemented on personal computers.

Keywords: water pollution, negotiations, decision support, multiple criteria, objective trade-offs, GIS
Here, you may want to download the self running demo which contains the description of the DSS. This demo looks old fashioned (the DSS was coded in DOS), but it gives the idea of it. To download the demo, use the button.
