Prof. Alexander V. Lotov

Chief Researcher
Dept. of Mathematical Modelling of Economic Systems
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of Federal Research Center COMPUTER SCIENCE AND CONTROL of Russian Academy of Sciences
Vavilova str., 40, Moscow, 119333 Russia
Phone: (7-499) 135-1209
Fax: (7-499) 135-6159

A.V.Lotov's CV

Information in short

I am a member of the Council and of the Governing Body of the Russian Operation Research Society.

I'm a member of the Advisory Board of International journal " Information Technology and Decision Making ".

I lectured and gave seminars worldwide including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Caltech, Los Alamos National Lab, Politecnico di Milano, etc.

In 2000, I was bestowed with the Edgeworth-Pareto Award of the International Society for Multiple Criteria Decision Making.

Current Research Interests:

Systems analysis and operations research/management science,
multiple criteria decision aid methods,
decision/negotiation support in computer networks,
graphic tools for data mining,
public decision making on Internet (including environmental and economic problems),
data analysis,
mathematical theory of approximation and perturbation of convex sets,
control theory including reachable sets approximation

Biographical Sketch

I have an educational background in basic mathematics and computational methods, and special training in operations research/management science. I've got my Diploma (M.S.) in dynamic systems control in 1969 from the Moscow Institute (University) for Physics and Technology and Ph.D. in computational mathematics (with applications in planning problems) in 1973 from the Computing Centre of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1986 I defended my second dissertation on new visual computer decision support techniques and got my second scientific degree which is equivalent to habilitate in Germany.


My research is described in my publications including eight books and more than 150 other publications.
For details see A.V.Lotov's CURRICULUM VITAE