Usual decision maps technique is rarely used. It is applied in the case of three choice criteria: several efficiency frontiers of two criteria are depicted depending on the value of the third criterion. An efficiency frontier displays an efficient criterion tradeoffs. Changing one efficiency frontier for another, one can see how the increment (or decrement) of the third criterion value influences the efficiency frontier. By this, a decision map helps to understand the efficient tradeoff for three criteria. The curves on a decision map look like the height curves of a usual topographical map, and so one can understand them quite easily.
The IDM is an animated interactive tool for fast display of various decision maps for three, four, five and more criteria. Myriad of static or animated decision maps may be displayed very fast on request. This can be done on the basis of preliminary approximation of the Feasible Set in Criterion Space (FSCS). To display numerous virtual decision maps, we use animation of maps, i.e. display of automatically generated sequences of decision maps. Moreover, matrices of decision maps ande scroll-bar controlled maps can be used. By this, user can receive objective information about the potentialities of choice and criterion tradeoffs in a simple graphic form that may be easily assessed.
To develop a strategy, it is sufficient to identify a preferable feasible combination of criterion values (feasible goal) on display. Then, computer calculates the strategy that leads to the chosen goal (Feasible Goals Method). Important that the identification of the goal is the most simple form of the preference expression.
In the framework of the FGM/IDM technique, the interaction between user and computer is very simple. For this reason, it turned to be effective for developing of economic and environmental strategies. Moreover, it may be implemented in the framework of Web. One can try a new (2000) FGM-based experimental Internet resource . Any Internet user is able now to develop his/her own strategy for solving a speciallly prepared environmental problem (development of an agricultural region). The detailed introduction of the IDM is given on the basis of the prototype.