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List of participants and talks

1. Hang Si, WIAS Berlin, Germany, si at wias-berlin point de
Invited lecture:
Hang Si. On 3d Irreducible and Indecomposable Polyhedra and the Number of Interior Steiner Points.
Franco Dassi, Lennard Kamenski, and Hang Si. Tetrahedral mesh improvement using moving mesh smoothing and lazy searching flips

2. A.V. Dzyabchenko, L. Ya. Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, adz at cc point nifhi point ac point ru
Invited lecture:
A.V. Dzyabchenko. Ab initio prediction of organic crystal structures

3. D. Sokolov, University of Lorraine, France, dmitry point sokolov at univ-lorraine point fr
Invited lecture:
D. Sokolov Towards hexahedral meshes

4. S. Korotov, Bergen University College, Norway, smkorotov at gmail point com 
Invited lecture:
S. Korotov, M. Krizek. Nonobtuse refinements of tetrahedral FE meshes.

5. N.P. Dolbilin. Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow, dolbilin at mi point ras point ru
Invited lecture:
N.P. Dolbilin. Delaunay sets: from local identity towards global order.

6. S. Bosnyakov, Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Zhukovsky, Moscow region, bosnyakov at tsagi point ru
Invited lecture:
S. Bosnyakov. CFD special features and experimental data accuracy for validation

7. I. S. Nikitin, Institute for Computer Aided Design of RAS, Moscow, i_nikitin at list point ru
Plenary lecture:
N.G. Burago, I.S. Nikitin, V.L. Yakushev. Adaptive overlapping meshes for solving nonstationary problems in continuum mechanics

8. P.A. Bahvalov, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, Moscow, bahvalo at mail point ru
P.A. Bahvalov Method of semi-transparent control volumes for constructing vertex-centered schemes on hybrid meshes.

9. N.A. Artemova, Istitute of Mathematics and Mechanics Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia, ana at imm point uran point ru
N.A. Artemova, O.V. Ushakova Algorithms for generating grids in deformed bodies of rotation. 

10. A. K. Novikov,  Institute of Applied Mechanics, Ural Branch of RAS, Izhevsk, Russia, sc_work at mail point ru
A. K. Novikov, Piminova N.K., S. P. Kopysov. Layer-wise decomposition of FEM meshes for shared memory parallel computing

11. A.Afendikov, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, Moscow, andre at keldysh point ru
Wavelet Adaptation  of Nonuniform Cartesian Grids  in CFD .

12. I.A. Gaynova. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS  gajnova at math point nsc point ru

13. A. V. Favorskaya, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Russia, aleanera at yandex point ru 
A. V. Favorskaya. Grid-characteristic method for numerical modeling of wave processes

14. A.M. Ivanov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Russia, ip-e at mail point ru
A.M. Ivanov, N.I. Khokhlov. Solution of linear elasticity problems on GPUs

15. I. Kaporin,
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, FRC CSC RAS, Moscow  igorkaporin at mail point ru
I. Kaporin Decomposition of undirected graphs with degree restrictions on edge cut.

16. G.K. Kamenev, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, FRC CSC RAS, Moscow. gkk at ccas point ru
G.K. Kamenev. Construction of dark coverings and meshes of phantoms.

17. R. A. Pryamonosov, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS, Moscow, breaksound at yandex point ru
R. A. Pryamonosov. Automatic patient-specific segmentation of coronary and cerebral arteries

Pankaj Kumar. Skoltech, Moscow, kumar point x point pankaj at gmail point com

19. A.S. Yurova, Moscow State University,  alexandra point yurova at gmail point com
A.S. Yurova, Analysis of texture patterns of CT images for abdominal segmentation.

20. A.I. Fedyushkin,   Institute for problems in Mechanics, Moscow,   fai at ipmnet point ru
A.I. Fedyushkin, Finite element modeling of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer for crystal growth. 

21. G. Chumakov.
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, chumakov at math point nsc point ru   
G. Chumakov. Almost Orthogonal Quasi-Isometric  Grids.

22. A. Kurganov, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA, kurganov at math point tulane point edu 
A. Kurganov. Adaptive Moving Mesh Central-Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Systems of Nonlinear PDEs.

23. A.Yu. Chernyshenko,
Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS, Moscow, chernyshenko point a at gmail point com
A.Yu. Chernyshenko, M.A. Olshanskii A hybrid finite volume – finite element method for bulk–surface coupled problems

24. K.D. Nikitin, 
Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS, Moscow, nikitin point kira at gmail point com
K.D. Nikitin, Yu.V. Vassilevski, R.M. Yanbarisov. An adaptive numerical method for free surface flows passing rigid obstacles

25. J. Cao. Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada,  jcao at ryerson point ca
J. Cao. Adaptive immersed-boundary lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of viscous flows around moving objects. 

26. V.D. Laptev. Moscow Schlumberger Research Center, vlaptev at slb point com

27. I.N. Konshin 
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, FRC CSC RAS, Moscow,  igor point konshin at gmail point com
A.I. Burachkovski, I.N. Konshin. Dynamicaly refined meshes in the programming platform INMOST.

28. M.A. Posypkin. Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, mposypkin at gmail point com 
Yu.G. Evtushenko, M.A. Posypkin, L.A. Rybak, A.V. Turkin  Approximation of the set of nonlinear inequalities

29. V. Gael.  Numeca International, Brussels, Belgium vladimir point gael at numeca point be

30. A. Zhuravlev,
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, FRC CSC RAS, Moscow

K.K. Abgaryan, E.S. Gavrilov, A.A. Zhuravlev, D.L. Reviznikov. Parallel computations for modeling of high-speed interaction of solid bodies.

31. O.N. Borisenko, VNIIEF, Sarov,  O point N point Borisenko at vniief point ru

32. D.N. Smolkina, VNIIEF, Sarov
D.N. Smolkina. Automatic generator of unstructured meshes using cut-off. 

33. A.I. Belokrys-Fedotov, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, belokrys point fedotov at gmail point ru
A.I. Belokrys-Fedotov, V.A. Garanzha, L.N. Kudryavtseva. Self-organization algorithm for construction of Delaunay meshes and for hybrid-polyhedral meshing 

34. L.N. Kudryavtseva, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, liukudr at yandex point ru
V.A. Garanzha, L.N. Kudryavtseva. Construction of single-block and large-block curvilinear meshes for bodies with sharp edges.

35. N.A. Koshev, USP Sao Paulo, Brazil, nikolay point koshev at gmail point com
N. Koshev, E. X. Miqueles, E.S.H. Neto. Fast iterative reconstruction of tomographic data on the base of Backprojection Slice Theorem

36. S.A. Soukov, 
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, Moscow,  ssoukov at gmail point com
S.A. Soukov, Efficiency of generation and processing of unstructured gas dynamics meshes

37. A.A. Bashev,
Moscow State University, anton point bashev at gmail point com
A.A. Bashev. Multithreaded reconstruction of mesh geometric structure. 

38. K.K. Abgaryan.
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, FRC CSC RAS, Moscow.
K.K. Abgaryan. Concept of multiscale modeling in solid body computations. 

NUMGRID2016 program
Sessions will take place in the conference hall of Computing Center RAS, Moscow, Vavilova 40

Monday, October 31, 2016

9-30. Registration

10-00 Opening

10-10 Plenary lecture:
N.G. Burago, I.S. Nikitin, V.L. Yakushev. Adaptive overlapping meshes for solving nonstationary problems in continuum mechanics
11-00 coffee break

11-15 Invited lecture:
S.M. Bosnyakov. CFD special features and experimental data accuracy for validation

12-05 lunch

A.Afendikov Wavelet Adaptation  of Nonuniform Cartesian Grids  in CFD .
13-50 Jun Cao. Adaptive immersed-boundary lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of viscous flows around moving objects.

A. V. Favorskaya. Grid-characteristic method for numerical modeling of wave processes

A.M. Ivanov, N.I. Khokhlov. Solution of linear elasticity problems on GPUs
15-20 coffee break

A.I. Fedyushkin, Finite element modeling of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer for crystal growth

16-05 A.Yu. Chernyshenko, M.A. Olshanskii. A hybrid finite volume – finite element method for bulk–surface coupled problems

16-35 Kirill D. Nikitin, Yuri V. Vassilevski, Ruslan M. Yanbarisov. An adaptive numerical method for free surface flows passing rigid obstacles

17-05 coffee break

17-20 I. Kaporin. Decomposition of undirected graphs with degree restrictions on edge cut.

17-50  A.I. Burachkovski, I.N. Konshin. Dynamicaly refined meshes in the programming platform INMOST.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

10-00 Invited lecture:
Hang Si. On 3d Irreducible and Indecomposable Polyhedra and the Number of Interior Steiner Points.

10-50 coffee break

11-10 Invited lecture:
D.V. Sokolov.Towards hexahedral meshes

12-00 lunch

13-10 Invited lecture:
S. Korotov
, M. Krizek. Nonobtuse refinements of tetrahedral FE meshes.

A.I. Belokrys-Fedotov, V.A. Garanzha, L.N. Kudryavtseva. Self-organization algorithm for construction of Delaunay meshes and for hybrid-polyhedral meshing
14-30 Franco Dassi, Lennard Kamenski, and Hang Si. Tetrahedral mesh improvement using moving mesh smoothing and lazy searching flips

15-00 coffee break

15-15 A. Kurganov. Adaptive Moving Mesh Central-Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Systems of Nonlinear PDEs.

15-45 G. Chumakov. Almost Orthogonal Quasi-Isometric  Grids.

V.A. Garanzha, L.N. Kudryavtseva. Construction of single-block and large-block curvilinear meshes for bodies with sharp edges.

16-45 coffee break

Yu.G. Evtushenko, M.A. Posypkin, L.A. Rybak, A.V. Turkin  Approximation of the set of nonlinear inequalities

G.K. Kamenev. Construction of dark coverings and meshes of phantoms.

18-00  D.N. Smolkina. Automatic generator of unstructured meshes using cut-off. 

18-30  P.A. Bahvalov. Method of semi-transparent control volumes for constructing vertex-centered schemes on hybrid meshes.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

K.K. Abgaryan. Concept of multiscale modeling in solid body computations.

10-30  K.K. Abgaryan, E.S. Gavrilov, A.A. Zhuravlev, D.L. Reviznikov. Parallel computations for modeling of high-speed interaction of solid bodies.
11-00 coffee break

11-20 Invited lecture:
A.V. Dzyabchenko. Ab initio prediction of organic crystal structures
12-10 Invited lecture:
N.P. Dolbilin. Delaunay sets: from local identity towards global order.

13-00 lunch

R. A. Pryamonosov. Automatic patient-specific segmentation of coronary and cerebral arteries
A.S. Yurova, Analysis of texture patterns of CT images for abdominal segmentation.
15-30 Nikolay Koshev, Eduardo X. Miqueles, Elias S.H. Neto. Fast iterative reconstruction of tomographic data on the base of Backprojection Slice Theorem

16-00 coffee break

S.A. Soukov, Efficiency of generation and processing of unstructured gas dynamics meshes
A. K. Novikov, Piminova N.K., S. P. Kopysov. Layer-wise decomposition of FEM meshes for shared memory parallel computing

A.A. Bashev. Multithreaded reconstruction of mesh geometric structure.

17-45  N.A. Artemova, O.V. Ushakova Algorithms for generating grids in deformed bodies of rotation.
18-15 Conference closure