Indefinite summation of rational functions Calling sequence: RationalSum( f , x ); Input: f - rational function in x x - name Output: [ g , r ] where g and r are rational functions in x such that g(x+1) - g(x) + r = f and r has minimal degree of denominator Optional arguments: 'factorization' = false - full factorization of denominator of f should not be used 'method' = - specifies which summation algorithm should be used: 0: factorization-based [Polyakov, 2011] (default one) 1: recursive [Abramov, 1975] 2: linear-algebraic [Abramov, 1995] 3: GGSZ [Gerhard et al, 2003] 'normalize'= true - for method 0, the output should be in normalized form 'minimize' = "sum denominator" - g should have the denominator of minimal degree 'minimize' = "numerator" - r should have the numerator of minimal degree (not guaranteed) 'minimized' = - if 'minimize' = "numerator" option is used, is assigned true if the degree of numerator is guaranteed to be minimal and false otherwise 'alignment' = "left" - for methods 0 and 1, remainder should be aligned to the left side of f(x) (i.e. if p(x) is an irreducible factor of the remainder's denominator, then it is also divides the denominator of f(x), and p(x-k) does not divide the denominator of f(x) for any positive integer k) 'alignment' = "right" - for methods 0 and 1, remainder should be aligned to the right side of f(x) (i.e. if p(x) is an irreducible factor of the remainder's denominator, then it is also divides the denominator of f(x), and p(x+k) does not divide the denominator of f(x) for any positive integer k) 'alignment' = "peak degree" - for methods 0 and 1, remainder should be aligned to the peak degrees of the denominator of f(x) [Pirastu, 1995] 'dispersion' = - for methods 1, 2, and 3, the given integer should be used as a dispersion value (this may result in mistakes if the actual dispersion is greater) References: Polyakov S.P. Indefinite summation of rational functions with factorization of denominators. Programming and Computer Software, 2011, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 322-325. Abramov S.A. The rational component of of the solution of a first-order linear recurrence relation with rational right-hand side. U.S.S.R. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Phisycs, 1975, 15(4), pp. 216-221. Abramov S.A. Indefinite sums of rational functions. Proceedings of ISSAC'95, 1995, pp. 303-308. Gerhard J., Giesgrecht M., Storjohann A., Zima E.V. Shiftless decomposition and polynomial-time rational summation. Proceedings of ISSAC'03, 2003, pp. 119-126. Pirastu R. Algorithms for indefinite summation of rational functions in Maple. The Maple Technical Newsletter, 1995, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-12.