Boris N. Azarenok






Title:        Prof., Leading Researcher (Ph.D.)


Place of work:   Department of Continuum Mechanics, Dorodnicyn Computing Center of

    Russian Academy of Science


Address: Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of Science

                Vavilov 40, GSP-1, Moscow, 119333, Russia

                Tel: (7) (495) 135 6498

                Fax: (7) (495) 135 6159

                E-mail: azarenok(at)ccas(dot)ru




- Received Prof. (Doctor of Sciences) Diploma on Mathematical Modeling in 2009 with the title of thesis: “Variational Structured Grid Generation Methods and their Application in Gas Dynamics”.

- Mathematician, received Ph.D. on Computational Fluid Dynamics in 1995 with title of thesis: "Calculation of 3-D Solar Wind-Earth Magnetic Field Interaction",


Graduated from:

- Moscow State University (Department of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics) in 1989;

- Moscow Steel and Alloys Institute (Department of Semiconductor Materials and Devices)

  in 1983.


Area of scientific interest:

Computational fluid dynamics, mesh generation, adaptive mesh generation, interpolation, numerical conformal mapping



2011 - present   Prof., Leading researcher at Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of

Science, Department of Continuous Mechanics.

2009 - 2011   Prof., Senior researcher at Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of

Science, Department of Continuous Mechanics.

2002 - 2009   Senior researcher at Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of Science,

Department of Continuous Mechanics.

1995 - 2001  Junior researcher and researcher at the Computing Center of Russian Academy of

Science, Department of Continuous Mechanics.

1992 - 1995  Postgraduate student at Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of Science,

Department of Continuous Mechanics.

1987 - 1992  Assistant of lecturer at Department of Mathematics, Moscow Transport Academy

Dec. 2002 - March 2003  Visiting researcher scholar at Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong

Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Jan. 2001 - Apr. 2002   Visiting researcher scholar at Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist

University, Hong Kong.

1999, July   Visiting lecture at Rechenzentrum, Universitaet Karlsruhe: "Moving grid technology for

            Godunov's type methods in gas dynamics".


Research and project experience and interests:


Grid generation methods. Participation in the project of Russian Fund of Basic Research No. 09-01-00173 : "Theoretical foundation and algorithms for generation of multi-dimensional grids.", 2009-2011.


Grid generation methods and their applications in computational fluid dynamics. Participation in the project of Department of Mathematical Sciences of Russian Academy of Science: “Up-to-date Computational Technologies of Solving Large Problems”, 2005-20011.


Conservative remapping on hexahedral meshes. Participation in the joint project of the Russian Federal Nucliar Center (VNIITF,  Snezhinsk) and Institute of Mathematic and Mechanics of Russian Academy of Science (Ekaterinburg) "Developing computer codes on constructing structured 3-D meshes and conservative remapping of gas dynamics parameters", 2001-2006.


Modeling of detonation wave motion on moving adaptive meshes. Project with Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University "Reactive flow calculations on moving adaptive meshes", 2002-2003.


Grid generation and adaptive grid generation. Participation in the project of Russian Fund of Basic Research No. 02-01-00236 : "Development of up-to-date technologies on constructing multidimensional grids and their application in the problems of mathematical physics", 2002-2004.


Moving grid technology and high order solvers in modeling of gas dynamic flow. Participation in the project of Russian Fund of Fundamental Basic No. 99-01-00264 : "Development of algorithms on adaptive grid generation based on the theory of harmonic mapping", 1999-2001.


Modeling of 3-D plasma flow in magnetohydrodynamics approach. Ph.D. thesis and participation in the project of Russian Fund of of Basic Research No. 96-01-01928 : "Nonlinear interaction of the discontinuities and flow past obstacles in conducting medium with magnetic field for cosmic plasma", 1996-1998.


Modeling of gas flow in channels. Participation in the project of Russian Fund of Basic Research No. 93-01-00345 : "Methods, algorithms and computer codes on solving multidimensional problems of mathematical physics", 1993-1995.






B.N.Azarenok, Variational 3D grid generation method, in: Encyclopedia of low temperature plasma. Mathematical Modeling in low temperature plasma. Yanus-K. Moscow. 2008. Part I, Section III, Chapt. 5, P. 265-284. (in Russian)


S.A. Ivanenko, B.N.Azarenok, Grid optimization and adaptation. In: Advances in Grid Generation. (Ushakova O.V. ed.). Nova Science Publishers. New York. 2007. Chapt. 4. P. 85-125.


B.N.Azarenok, Conservative remapping on hexahedral meshes. In: Advances in Grid Generation. (Ushakova O.V. ed.). Nova Science. New York. 2007. Chapt. 12. P. 337-379.


Papers and preprints


B. Azarenok, 2D structured grid generation method producing a mesh with prescribed properties near boundary, Engineering with Computers, (2011) DOI: 10.1007/s00366-011-0238-6/


B.N.Azarenok, Constructing the grid orthogonal and having the given nodal clustering near the boundary of two-dimensional domain. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 3 (5) (2011) 637–645.


B.N.Azarenok, On 2D structured mesh generation by using mappings. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 27 (2011) 1072-1091


B.N.Azarenok, Generation of structured difference grids in two-dimensional nonconvex domains using mappings. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 49(5) (2009) 797-809.


B.N.Azarenok, Variational method for hexahedral grid generation with control metric. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 1 (5) (2009) 573–590.

B.N.Azarenok, A Method for conservative remapping on hexahedral meshes. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 1 (1) (2009) 51–63.


B.N.Azarenok, Variational method for adaptive mesh generation. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 48(5) (2008) 831-850.


B.N.Azarenok, A method of constructing adaptive hexahedral moving grids. J. Comp. Phys., 226 (2007) 1102-1121.


B.N.Azarenok, On adaptive moving mesh generation. Preprint, Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2007. (in Russian)


B.N.Azarenok, A variational hexahedral grid generator with control metric. J. Comp. Phys., 218 (2006) 720-747.


B.N.Azarenok, On a mesh generation algorithm. Preprint, Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2006. (in Russian)


B.N.Azarenok, Conservative remapping algorithm on hexahedral meshes. Preprint, Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2006. (in Russian)


B.N. Azarenok and T.Tang, Second-order Godunov-type scheme for  reactive flow calculations on moving meshes. J. of Comp. Phys., 206(2005) 48-80.


B.N.Azarenok, A scheme for detonation wave computation on moving meshes. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 45(12) (2005) 2174-2195.


B.N. Azarenok and T.Tang, Second-order Godunov-type scheme for reactive flow calculations on moving meshes. Report (2003) (available as preprint at


B.N. Azarenok, Application of the variational barrier methods in hyperbolic gas dynamics problems. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 43 (7) (2003) 1025-1047.


B.N. Azarenok, Computation of explosion on an adaptive moving grid. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 43 (6) (2003) 880-888.


B.N. Azarenok, S.A. Ivanenko, T.Tang, Adaptive mesh redistribution method based on Godunov's scheme. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 1(1) (2003) 153-180.


B.N. Azarenok, Variational barrier method of adaptive grid generation in hyperbolic problems of gas dynamics. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 40(2002), 651-682.


B.N. Azarenok and S.A. Ivanenko, Application of moving adaptive grids for numerical solution of nonstationary problems in gas dynamics. Int. J. for Numer. Meth. in Fluids, 3 (1) (2002), 1-22.

(available as preprint at


B.N. Azarenok and S.A. Ivanenko, Application of moving adaptive grids for simulation of supersonic gas flow. Comput. Fluid Dynamics Journ., Japan, 10 (3) (2001) 400-404.


B.N. Azarenok, Realization of a second-order Godunov's scheme. Comput. Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 189(2000) 1031-1052.


B.N. Azarenok and S.A. Ivanenko, Application of adaptive grids in numerical analysis of time-dependent problems in gas dynamics. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 40 (9) (2000) 1330-1349.


B.N. Azarenok, Solving stationary problems of magnetohydrodynamics. Mathematical Modeling, 11 (11) (1999) 91-108. (in Russian)


B.N.Azarenok, On a realization of high-order Godunov's scheme. Preprint, Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1997. (in Russian)


B.N.Azarenok, On some aspects of computing magnetosheath. Preprint, Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1996. (in Russian)


B.N.Azarenok and V.M.Borisov, On spatial interaction of Earth magnetosphere with solar wind. Preprint, Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1992. (in Russian)


B.N.Azarenok, M.M.Golomazov, V.I.Kostin,  Numerical modeling of Solar wind flow around Earth magnetopause. Preprint, Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1991. (in Russian)


Proceedings of conferences


B.N. Azarenok, On algorithm of conservative interpolation on hexahedral meshes. Proceedings of the Conference "Numerical geometry, grid generation and scientific computing", Dorodnicyn Computing Center RAS, Moscow, October 11-13, 2010, 70-77.


B.N. Azarenok, Mesh construction with prescribed properties near boundary. Proceedings of the 19th International Meshing Roundtable. (S.Shontz ed.). Springer. 2010, 35-49.


B.N. Azarenok,  Mesh consctruction in 2D multiply connected domain, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference “Zababakhin Scientific Talks-2010, Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIITF, Snezhinsk, March 15-19, 2010 (in Russian).


B.N. Azarenok, A method of generating 2D structured grids. In: Soni B., Hauser J., Eisman P., and Thompson J., eds. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation, Montreal, Canada , May 25-28, 2009.


B.N. Azarenok, B.N. On 3D adaptive grid generation, Proc. of International conference "Numerical geometry, grid generation and scientific computing", Dorodnicyn Computing Center RAS, Moscow, June 10-13, 2008, 67-74.


B.N. Azarenok, B.N. A variational approach to hexahedral mesh generation. In: Soni B., Hauser J., Eisman P., and Thompson J., eds. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation, Forth, Crete, Greece, 16-20 September, 2007. Birmingham. Alabama: International Society of Grid Generation.


B.N. Azarenok, First-Order Algorithm of Conservative Interpolation on Hexahedral Meshes. In: Papadopolous P., Soni B., Hauser J., Eisman P., Thompson J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation, San Jose, California, 12-15 June 2005. Birmingham, Alabama: International Society of Grid Generation. 3-12.


B.N. Azarenok, Calculation of gas flow with detonation waves on moving adaptive meshes, Proceedings of the Russian conference "Applied geometry, grid generation and highly productive

computations", Dorodnicyn Computing Center of RAS, 28 June - 1 July 2004, V.1, pp. 87-96. (in Russian)


B.N. Azarenok, Application of moving adaptive meshes in hyperbolic problems of gas Dynamics, Grid Generation: Theory and Applications, Proceeding of the Workshop, June 24-28, 2002, Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, 169-176. (in Russian)


B.N.Azarenok, Adaptive moving grids in problems of gas dynamics, Grid Generation: New Trends and Applications in Real-World Simulations, S.A.Ivanenko et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the minisimposium in Intern. Confer. "Optimization of finite-element approximations, splines and wavelets", St.-Petersburg, June 25-29 (2001) 30-44 (available at


B.N. Azarenok, Adaptive Moving Grids in Supersonic Flow Simulation, Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, B.K.Soni, J.Haeuser, J.F.Thompson, P.Eiseman, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, Sept. 2000, 629-638.


B.N. Azarenok and S.A.Ivanenko, Moving grid technology for finite volume methods in gas dynamics, Second Intern. Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Problems and Perspectives, July 19-22, Duisburg, Germany, R.Vilsmeier et al (Eds.), Hermes, 1999, 795-802.





Editor in Chief of American Journal of Computational Mathematics (Website: