А.А. Dorodnicyn Computing Center of RAS

Institute of System Analysis of RAS

Moscow Physics-technical Institute

II Moscow Conference

"Decomposition Methods in Mathematical Modeling and Informatics"

Moscow, Russia (June 21-24, 2004)


Organizing Committee of Conference

Chairman: Pavlovsky U.N. - Corresponding member of RAS

Chairman Deputy: Elkin V.I.- Professor

Secretary: Smirnova T.G., Tugolukova E.I.

The Members:
Afanasyev A.P. - Professor,
Gorelik V.A. - Professor,
Evtushenko U.G.- Corresponding member of RAS,
Krasnoshekov P.S.- Academician of RAS,
.. - Academician of RAS,

Savin G.I. - Academician of RAS,
Flerov U.
А. - Corresponding member of RAS,
Zurcov V.I.- Professor,
Yacovenco G.N. - Professor.


The themes of conference comprises following questions:

1. The common questions of decomposition theory.

2. The methods of decomposition in applied problems.

3. The decomposition of the models of control processes, decomposition by means of feedback.

4. The methods of decomposition in the problems of optimization and game theory.

5. The decomposition and symmetries.

6. The decomposition of the computing processes: parallel and distributed calculations.


The thesis of the report at amount no more than 2 pages should be submitted to Organizing Committee in the form of file, typed with the use of the system LaTex 2.09. The file should be sent by e-mail: simul@ccas.ru) till May 1, 2004 including.

Organizing Committee asks to type the thesis according the pattern which can be received together with the pattern of the registration form (the file forma.rtf) by unpacking of the file conf.zip, residing to http://www.ccas.ru/Pavlovsky/confer/conf.zip

The Registration form should be sent by e-mail ( simul@ccas.ru ) or by ordinary mail to Organizing Committee address specified below.

The Program of Conferences and the thesis of reports will be handled on arrival. The thesis of reports will be also posed on the site of Computing Center of RAS. They become accessible on electronic address http://www.ccas.ru/Pavlovsky/confer/works.pdf in a week after their arrival.

The duration of the report (together with the discussion) - 30 minutes.

The working languages: Russian and English.

There are overhead and multimedia-projector for the demonstration of materials.


The site of the Conference and mailing address:

119991, Moscow, GSP-1, str. Vavilova, 40, Computing Center of RAS, Organizing Committee of the Conferences "Decomposition methods".

The Conference is supported by Russian fund of the fundamental studies, so organizing fee is equal to zero. The accommodation of the participants to Conference is planned in the hotel.

Telephone number for references: (095) 135-62-04 Tugolukova Elena Ivanovna

E-mail: simul@ccas.ru


Registration form on participation in

II Moscow Conference

"Decomposition Methods in Mathematical Modeling and Informatics"

Moscow, Russia (June 21-24, 2004)

Surname, first name...............................................................

Organization .............................................................................

Position, degree and title.................................................

Country, city...........................................................................

The Postal address.........................................................................

Telephone (code)..................................... Fax.............................................

E-mail .....................................................................................

I intend (necessary to emphasize)

- make a report;

- participate in the conferences as listener.

Subject of the report............................................................................
